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Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import msrand from '';


msrand seeded random number generator

Table of Contents


msrand is a seeded random number generator compatible with the Microsoft C run-time-library rand.

The rand function returns a pseudorandom integer in the range 0 to 32,767 (max signed 16 bit integer). As this generates a well-known sequence it is not appropriate for use as a cryptographic function.

It is useful for building games, and especially maintaining compatibility with older algorithms such as Jim Horne's freecell dealing algorithm.

Getting Started

You should be able to npm install this module (or copy-paste it into your own project).

npm i msrand


Import msrand using your syntax of choice:

// es6 syntax
import MSRand from msrand;

// or commonjs syntax
const MSRand = require('msrand').default;

Then create an instance with an optional seed. If no seed is specified it defaults to 0.

// Create an instance of the random number generator, with a given seed.
const myrng = new MSRand(123);

To fetch a random number between 0 and 32,767:

// Return a random number

To fetch a random number between 0 and a specified amount:

// Return a random number from 0-9