
Convert a JSON ML tree to whatever you want

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import murray from '';



Convert JSON ML tree into whatever format.

A JSON ML tree is created by the markdown-js project as an intermediate format. This project provides a walker to walk that tree format, calling into a set of passed rendering functions to allow you to write out your own resulting format.

A sample (and unfinished) HTML renderer exists that implements rendering for headings, paragraphs, links, lists and emphasis items.

The original motivation for this project was to allow rendering of markdown into React components. By supplying our own renderer to this walker, we are able to render components from our React component library, instead of plain HTML.


npm install --save murray


var walker = require('murray');

var markdownString = fs.readFileSync(pathToMarkdownFile).toString();

var htmlString = walker(walker.htmlRenderer)(markdownString);

var myReactComponentRenderer = {
  join: function (items) { return items; }
  para: function (children) { <p>{children}</p> }
  header: function (options, children) {
    <MyHeadingComponent level = {options.level}>

var reactElement = walker(myReactComponentRenderer)(markdownString);


Why is it called Murray? Well, it's a (tree) walker, and texas-ranger was already taken, and Murray Walker is awesome:

Murray Walker being awesome