
An infinite scroller fed by pull-streams

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import mutantScroll from '';



An infinite scroller for mutant, fed by pull-streams. Heavily inspired by pull-scroll.


const Scroller = require('mutant-scroll')

const scollableContainer = Scroller({

// => mutant html element <div class='Scroller'>


Keys you can provide mutant-scroll:

  • render - a function called on each item to render html
  • streamToTop, streamToBottom - (one required) at least one is required, is expected to be a pull-stream source.
  • classList - (optional) an Array of classes to add to the final element
  • prepend, append - (optional) supply array of html elements to insert before or after the streaming content.
  • updateTop - (optional) a function which is passed (soFar, new) where new is the incoming value from the top stream, and soFar is the scrollers observable Array of values, which you're expected to mutate.
  • updateBottom - (optional) similar to updateTop
  • store - (optional) supply a mutant/array if you want to have external access to it, e.g. for caching
  • comparer - (optional) a function used for the mutant map to compare those things it's rendering over
  • overflowY - (optional) over-ride the default inline style over overflow-y
  • cb - (optional) a callback called when errors happen