
Send notifications to a Sensu client after an Order is executed.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import navyAdmiralSensuNotifier from '';



Send notifications to a Sensu client after an Order is executed.


Run the following on the same server that the Admrial is installed on:

npm install -g navy-admiral-sensu-notifier


This plugin assumes that a sensuNotifer hash containing the following options has been added to the Admiral for the application you want notifications to be posted for.

  • slackChannel: Slack channel to which notification should be posted (required)

  • orders: An array of Order names. If specified, notifications will only be posted for these Orders (optional. Default is all Orders)

  • url: This may appear in the main object. This will be shown in the slack notification

An example Admiral application configuration might look like:

{ "name": "My Application"
, "appId": "myApp"
, "url": ""
, "sensuNotifier":
  { "slackChannel": "general"
  , "orders": [ "orderName" ]