
Find the nearest DB Stations given a Latitude and a Longitude

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nearestDbStations from '';



Searches the nearest stations of Deutsche Bahn, using geokdbush. Data taken from the excellent db-stations package.

build status npm version npm version ISC-licensed


npm install nearest-db-stations


const nearestStations = require('nearest-db-stations')

const latitude = 52.509647;
const longitude = 13.375944;

const stations = nearestStations(latitude, longitude);

// Output as in db-stations


nearestStations(longitude, latitude[, maxDistance, maxResults])

Returns an array of the closest points from a given location in order of increasing distance.

  • longitude: query point longitude.
  • latitude: query point latitude.
  • maxDistance: (optional) maximum distance in meters to search within (Infinity by default).
  • maxResults: (optional) maximum number of points to return (5 by default).


If you have a question, found a bug or want to propose a feature, have a look at the issues page.

Data License

The Dataset is published under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International by Deutsche Bahn (DB).