
Neo4j OGM for NodeJS

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import neode from '';



Neode is a Neo4j OGM for Node JS designed to take care of the CRUD boilerplate involved with setting up a neo4j project with Node. Just install, set up your models and go.

Getting Started


npm install --save neode


// index.js
import Neode from 'neode';

const instance = new Neode('bolt://localhost:7687', 'username', 'password');

Enterprise Mode

To initiate Neode in enterprise mode and enable enterprise features, provide a true variable as the fourth parameter.

// index.js
import Neode from 'neode';

const instance = new Neode('bolt://localhost:7687', 'username', 'password', true);

Usage with .env variables

npm i --save dotenv
// .env
// index.js
import Neode from 'neode';

const instance = new Neode.fromEnv();

Additional Driver Config

Additional driver configuration can be passed as the fifth parameter in the constructor, or defined in .env:

NEO4J_LOAD_BALANCING_STRATEGY=least_connected   # least_connected or round_robin

Loading with Models

You can use the with() method to load multiple models at once.

const neode = require('neode')
        Movie: require('./models/Movie'),
        Person: require('./models/Person')

Load from Directory

You can load a directory of models by calling the withDirectory() method.

// models/Person.js
module.exports = {
  id: {
    type: 'uuid',
    primary: true
  name: 'string'
// index.js

Defining a Node Definition

Neode revolves around the notion of node definitions, or Models. To interact with the graph, you will need to define a node, identified by a name and with a schema of properties.

instance.model(name, schema);

Schema Object

instance.model('Person', {
    person_id: {
        primary: true,
        type: 'uuid',
        required: true, // Creates an Exists Constraint in Enterprise mode
    payroll: {
        type: 'number',
        unique: 'true', // Creates a Unique Constraint
    name: {
        type: 'name',
        index: true, // Creates an Index
    age: 'number' // Simple schema definition of property : type
Property Types

The following property types are supported:

  • string
  • number
  • int
  • integer
  • float
  • uuid
  • node
  • nodes
  • relationship
  • relationships
  • Temporal
    • date
    • time
    • datetime
    • localtime
    • localdatetime
    • duration
  • Spatial
    • point
    • distance

Validation is provided by the Joi library. Certain data types (float, integer, boolean) will also be type cast during the data cleansing process. For more information on the full range of validation options, read the Joi API documentation.

All Types

| option | type | description | example | | -- | -- | -- | -- | | allow | Array | Whitelist of values that are allowed | allow: ['A', 'B', 'C'] | | valid | Array | A strict whitelist of valid options. All others will be rejected. | valid: ['A', 'B', 'C'] | | invalid | Array | A list of forbidden values | invalid: ['A', 'B', 'C'] | | required | Boolean | Should this field be required? | required: true | | optional | Boolean | Allow the value to be undefined | optional: true | | forbidden | Boolean | Marks a key as forbidden which will not allow any value except undefined. Used to explicitly forbid keys. | forbidden: true | | strict | Boolean | prevent type casting for the current key | strict: true | strip | Boolean | Marks a key to be removed from a resulting object or array after validation. | strip: true | default | Mixed/Function | Default value for the property | default: () => new Date() | empty | Boolean | Considers anything that matches the schema to be empty | empty: true | error | Error/String/Function | Overrides the default error | error: errors => new CustomValidationError('Oh No!', errors)


| option | type | description | example | | -- | -- | -- | -- | | truthy | String | falsy | String | insensitive | Boolean

Date, Time, DateTime, LocalDateTime, LocalTime

| option | type | description | example | | -- | -- | -- | -- | | before | String | Date, date string or "now" to compare to the current date | after | String | Date, date string or "now" to compare to the current date

Numbers (number, int, integer, float)

| option | type | description | example | | -- | -- | -- | -- | | min | Number | max | Number | integer | Boolean | Requires the number to be an integer | precision | Number | Specifies the maximum number of decimal places | precision: 2 | multiple | Number | Multiple of a number | multiple: 2 | positive | Boolean | negative | Boolean | port | Boolean | Requires the number to be a TCP port, so between 0 and 65535.


| option | type | description | example | | -- | -- | -- | -- | | insensitive | Boolean | min | Number | Min length | max | Number | Max length | truncate | Boolean | Will truncate value to the max length | creditCard | Boolean | Requires the number to be a credit card number (Using Luhn Algorithm). | length | Number | Exact string length | regex | Object | Regular expression rule | { pattern: /([A-Z]+)/, invert: true, name: 'myRule'} | replace | Object | Replace in value | { pattern: /(^[A-Z]+)/, replace: '-' } | alphanum | Boolean | Requires the string value to only contain a-z, A-Z, and 0-9. | token | Boolean | Requires the string value to only contain a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and underscore _. | email | Boolean/Object | | ip | Boolean/Object | | uri | Boolean/Object | | guid | Boolean | hex | Boolean/Object | base64 | Boolean/Object | hostname | Boolean | normalize | Boolean/String | lowercase | Boolean | uppercase | Boolean | trim | Boolean | isoDate | Boolean

Defining Relationships

Relationships can be created in the schema or defined retrospectively.

instance.model(label).relationship(type, relationship, direction, target, schema, eager, cascade, node_alias);
instance.model('Person').relationship('knows', 'relationship', 'KNOWS', 'out', 'Person', {
    since: {
        type: 'number',
        required: true,
    defaulted: {
        type: 'string',
        default: 'default'

Eager Loading

You can eager load relationships in a findAll() call by setting the eager property inside the relationship schema to true.

    acts_in: {
        type: "relationship",
        target: "Movie",
        relationship: "ACTS_IN",
        direction: "out",
        properties: {
            name: "string"
        eager: true // <-- eager load this relationship

Eager loaded relationships can be retrieved by using the get() method. A Collection instance will be returned.

const person = person.find({name: "Tom Hanks"})
const movies = person.get('acts_in');
const first = movies.first();

Extending a Schema definition

You can inherit the schema of a class and extend by calling the extend method.

instance.extend(original, new, schema)
instance.extend('Person', 'Actor', {
    acts_in: {
        type: "relationship",
        target: "Movie",
        relationship: "ACTS_IN",
        direction: "out",
        properties: {
            name: "string"


Running a Cypher Query

instance.cypher(query, params)
instance.cypher('MATCH (p:Person {name: $name}) RETURN p', {name: "Adam"})
    .then(res => {

Running a Batch

Batch queries run within their own transaction. Transactions can be sent as either a string or an object containing query and param properties.

    {query: 'CREATE (p:Person {name: $name}) RETURN p', params: {name: "Adam"}},
    {query: 'CREATE (p:Person {name: $name}) RETURN p', params: {name: "Joe"}},
    {query: 'MATCH (first:Person {name: $first_name}), (second:Person {name: $second_name}) CREATE (first)-[:KNOWS]->(second)', params: {name: "Joe"}}
    .then(res => {

Get all Nodes

instance.all(label, properties)
instance.all('Person', {name: 'Adam'}, {name: 'ASC', id: 'DESC'}, 1, 0)
    .then(collection => {
        console.log(collection.length); // 1
        console.log(collection.get(0).get('name')); // 'Adam'

Get Node by Internal Node ID

instance.findById(label, id)
instance.findById('Person', 1)
    .then(person => {
        console.log(; // 1

Get Node by Primary Key

Neode will work out the model's primary key and query based on the supplied value.

instance.find(label, id)
instance.find('Person', '1234')
    .then(res => {...});

First by Properties

Using a key and value

instance.first(label, key, value)
instance.first(label).first(key, value)
instance.first('Person', 'name', 'Adam')
    .then(adam => {...})

Using multiple properties

instance.first(label, properties)
instance.first('Person', {name: 'Adam', age: 29})
    .then(adam => {...})


Creating a Node

instance.create(label, properties);
instance.create('Person', {
    name: 'Adam'
.then(adam => {
    console.log(adam.get('name')); // 'Adam'

Merging a Node

Nodes are merged based on the indexes and constraints.

instance.merge(label, properties);
instance.merge('Person', {
    person_id: 1234,
    name: 'Adam',

Merge On Specific Properties

If you know the properties that you would like to merge on, you can use the mergeOn method.

instance.mergeOn(label, match, set);
instance.model(label).mergeOn(match, set);
instance.mergeOn('Person', {person_id: 1234}, {name: 'Adam'});

Updating a Node

You can update a Node instance directly by calling the update() method.

instance.create('Person', {name: 'Adam'})
    .then(adam => adam.update({age: 29}));

Creating a Relationships

You can relate two nodes together by calling the relateTo() method.

model.relateTo(other, type, properties)
    instance.create('Person', {name: 'Adam'}),
    instance.create('Person', {name: 'Joe'})
.then(([adam, joe]) => {
    adam.relateTo(joe, 'knows', {since: 2010})
        .then(res => {
            console.log(rel.from().get('name'), ' has known ','name'), 'since', rel.get('since'));  // Adam has known Joe since 2010

Note: when creating a relationship defined as in (DIRECTION_IN), from from() and to() properties will be inversed regardless of which model the relationship is created by.

Detaching two nodes

You can detach two nodes by calling the detachFrom() method.

    instance.create('Person', {name: 'Adam'}),
    instance.create('Person', {name: 'Joe'})
.then(([adam, joe]) => {
    adam.detachFrom(joe) // Adam does not know Joe

### Deleting a node
You can delete a Node instance directly by calling the `delete()` method.

instance.create('Person', {name: 'Adam'})
  .then(adam => adam.delete());

Cascade Deletion

While deleting a Node with the delete() method, you can delete any dependant nodes or relationships. For example, when deleting a Movie you may also want to remove any reviews but keep the actors.

You cna do this by setting the cascade property of a relationship to "delete" or "detach". "delete" will remove the node and relationship by performing a DETACH DELETE, while "detach" will simply remove the relationship, leaving the node in the graph.

// Movie.js
module.exports = {
  // ...
  ratings: {
    type: 'relationship',
    'relationship': 'RATED',
    direction: 'IN',
    target: 'User',
    'cascade': 'delete'
  actors: {
    type: 'relationship',
    'relationship': 'ACTS_IN',
    direction: 'IN',
    target: 'Actor',
    'cascade': 'detach'

Note: Attempting to delete a Node without first removing any relationships will result in an error.

Deleting a set of nodes


instance.delete(label, where)
instance.delete('Person', {living: false});

Deleting all nodes of a given type

  .then(() => console.log('Everyone has been deleted'));

Query Builder

Neode comes bundled with a query builder. You can create a Query Builder instance by calling the query() method on the Neode instance.

const builder = instance.query();

Once you have a Builder instance, you can start to defining the query using the fluent API.

builder.match('p', 'Person')
    .where('', 'Adam')

For query examples, check out the Query Builder Test suite.

Building Cypher

You can get the generated cypher query by calling the build() method. This method will return an object containing the cypher query string and an object of params.

const {query, params} =;

instance.query(query, params)
    .then(res => {

Executing a Query

You can execute a query by calling the execute() method on the query builder.

builder.match('this', 'Node')
    .whereId('this', 1)
    .then(res => {


Neode will install the schema created by the constraints defined in your Node definitions.

Installing the Schema

    .then(() => console.log('Schema installed!'))

Note: exists constraints will only be created when running in enterprise mode. Attempting to create an exists constraint on Community edition will cause a Neo.DatabaseError.Schema.ConstraintCreationFailed to be thrown.

Dropping the schema

Dropping the schema will remove all indexes and constraints created by Neode. All other indexes and constraints will be left intact.

    .then(() => console.log('Schema dropped!'))