
Helper functions for generating Netlify CMS fields and pages

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import netlifyCmsQuickFields from '';


Netlify CMS Quick Fields

Using the manual initialization beta feature allows defining the CMS config in Javascript, which as opposed to YAML, is quite good at abstracting repetition. Netlify CMS Quick Fields adds a few sensible defaults on top.

page('home', [
  group('hero', [
    string('subtitle', { hint: 'Aim for 10-30 charachters' }),


  • Quickly define collections and fields
  • Handy defaults and shortcuts
  • Autocompletion-friendly types


npm i netlify-cms-quick-fields


Follow the manual initialization instructions in the official docs.

In the collections field of the config file, use the postType function to generate folder collections and the page function for file collections. Collection functions and field collections share the same parameter convention (name, fields?, args). By default, labels are generated automatically by capitalizing names.

Currently, this package assumes ESM.

// config.js
import { postType, page, title, text, string } from 'netlify-cms-quick-fields'

const config = {
  backend: {
    name: 'git-gateway',
  collections: [
      posts: postType('posts', [
      pages: {
        label: 'Pages',
        name: 'pages',
        files: [
          page('home', [

All primitive fields are optional by default. Inside a page or postType you can use the following fields corrosponding to their respective widgets:

  • string

  • text — name defaults to text

  • markdown / md — Name defaults to text

  • image — name defaults to image

  • date — name defaults to date

  • boolean

  • select — accepts an array of options (e.g. select('choice', [option('yes'), option('no')]))

  • object

  • list — by default is collapsed, and the label_singular is the name with the last letter truncated.

  • field — can be used for any widget, defaults to string

  • required — a required field

  • title — a required string with the default name title

  • url — a string with URL validation

Annotated example for a page

// about.js
import { page, title, object, string, image, list, md, text } from 'netlify-cms-quick-fields'

export default page('about', [
  object('hero', [
    //-> {widget: 'string', name: 'title', label: 'Title'}
    string('subtitle', { hint: 'Aim for 10-30 charachters' }),  
    //-> {widget: 'string', name: 'subtitle', label: 'Subtitle', required: false, hint: 'Aim for 10-30 charachters'}
    //-> {widget: 'image', name: 'backgroundImage', label: 'Background Image', required: false}
  //-> {widget: 'object', name: 'hero', label: 'Hero', fields: [...]}
  list('features', [
    //-> {widget: 'image', name: 'icon', label: 'Icon', required: false}
    //-> {widget: 'string', name: 'title', label: 'Title'}
    //-> {widget: 'markdown', name: 'text', label: 'Text', required: false}
  //-> {widget: 'list', name: 'features', label: 'Features', collapsed: true, label_singular: 'Feature', fields: [...]}

  list('team', [
    //-> {widget: 'image', name: 'headshot', label: 'Headshot', required: false}
    string('name', { required: true }),
    //-> {widget: 'string', name: 'name', label: 'Name'}
    //-> {widget: 'text', name: 'bio', label: 'Bio', required: false}
  ], { collpased: false, label_singular: 'Team Member' })
  //-> {widget: 'list', name: 'team', label: 'Team', collapsed: false, label_singular: 'Team Member', fields: [...]}


  • Better docs
  • Quick fields for all widgets
  • Better types for posts and pages
  • Include manual initialization and config file in package
  • Tooling to escape config to YAML


Everyone working on Netlify CMS

Sanity Quick Fields for finally helping me figure out what to call this thing.