
Generate Open Graph images for Next.js on build

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nextOpengraphImage from '';



Next Opengraph Image

Generate opengraph images (og:image) at build using puppeteer.


  • Speed. It uses puppeteer to render pages, but only on instace meaning there is only one cold start. On an M1, 100 pages are captured in 14s.
  • Multiple layouts. Pages can specify different layouts.
  • Easy setup. Set up is easy and does not require you to touch any render logic.
  • Pass any data. Title and meta description is passed to the layout pages by default, but you can include any data you want.



Use npm or yarn

npm install next-opengraph-image
yarn add next-opengraph-image

Add this to your scripts in package.json

"postbuild": "next-opengraph-image",

Setup on pages

Import the useOgImage hook in every page

// Step 1
import { useOgImage } from "next-opengraph-image";

export default function Home() {
  // Step 2
  const ogImage = useOgImage();

  return (
        <meta name="description" content="..." />
        <link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" />

        // Step 3
        <meta {...ogImage} />

By default, the html title and meta description tag will be picked up and included and sent as data to the layout pages. If you want to include custom data, use the hook like this.

const ogImage = useOgImage({
  data: {
    /* anything here */

You can also specify a custom layout like this.

const ogImage = useOgImage({
  layout: "blogpost",

Layout files

Create a folder called _ogimage in your /pages folder. Then create a file called default.js there.

An example of a layout file looks like this. Notice the position and size.

export default function Default() {
  const { title, description } = useData({
    placeholder: {
      title: "Placeholder title",
      description: "Placeholder description",

  return (
        padding: "100px",
        background: "#ededed",
        width: "1200px",
        height: "630px",
        position: "fixed",
        top: "0",
        left: "0",
      <img src="/vercel.svg" alt="" style={{ marginBottom: "70px" }} />

        <h1 style={{ fontSize: "5em" }}>{title}</h1>
        <h2 style={{ fontSize: "2em" }}>{description}</h2>

The placeholder is used in development and should match what is returned from the hook. In production it returns whaterver data was extracted from the actual or the useOgImage hook data.


There is an example showcasing usage here




Contributions are always welcome!

See for ways to get started.


If you have any feedback, please create an issue reach me on twitter.