
Next.js + Org + Mdx

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nextOrga from '';


  • Next.js + Org + Mdx

A next.js plugin that adds support for org mode files with mdx!

** Installation


npm install --save next-orga orga-loader @mdx-js/loader




yarn add next-orga orga-loader @mdx-js/loader


** Usage

Create a =next.config.js= in your project


// next.config.js
const withOrg = require('next-orga')()
module.exports = withOrg()


Optionally you can provide [[][MDX options]]:


const emoji = require("remark-emoji"); // next.config.js const withOrg = require('next-orga')({ options: { remarkPlugins: [emoji], hastPlugins: [], }, }) module.exports = withOrg()


Optionally you can add your custom Next.js configuration as a parameter


// next.config.js
const withOrg = require('next-orga')()
module.exports = withOrg({
  webpack(config, options) {
    return config


** Top level .mdx pages

Define the =pagesExtensions= option to have Next.js handle files in the =pages= directory as pages:


// next.config.js
const withOrg = require('next-orga')({
  extension: /\.org?$/,
module.exports = withOrg({
  pageExtensions: ['js', 'jsx', 'org'],


** Syntax

To write mdx forms use =begin_export= blocks. These blocks become jsx, import, export and elements. Here is an example:

+begin_src org

,#+begin_export import import { ReactComponent } from "unicorns-are-awesome"; ,#+end_export

** An org doc

,#+begin_export jsx ,#+end_export

A code block with info strings

,#+begin_src javascript repl // gets a repl const unicorns = "are awesome!"; ,#+end_src


** Example

A full example is available in the [[][examples]]