
Angular directive to impose Angular Material based loading indicator on any content. The loading indicator may be an indeterminate Angular Material progress spinner or a progress bar.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ngMaterialLoading from '';



Angular directive to impose Angular Material based loading indicator on any content. The loading indicator may be an indeterminate Angular Material progress spinner or a progress bar.

npm version License: MIT Open Source Love

  • Compatible with Angular Material components such as input, select, etc.
  • Uses Angular Material Theme colors.
  • Well configurable.
  • Works well in SSR mode.


alt text Also you can clone the repo and start the application locally to see ng-material-loading lib in action.


Install package

npm i ng-material-loading

Add import to your module

import { NgMaterialLoadingModule } from 'ng-material-loading';

  imports: [
  declarations: [],
  providers: []

Then in template:

  <mat-form-field [ngMatLoading]="loading$ | async" ngMatLoadingType="progress">
    <input matInput/>


      <mat-card-title>Plane text</mat-card-title>

    <mat-card-content [ngMatLoading]="loading$ | async">
      <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...</p>


Option Type Default Description
opacity number 0.3 Content opacity when the loading indicator is imposed
diameter number 40 Spinner diameter in pixels
color 'primary' 'warn' 'accent'
type 'spinner' 'progress' 'spinner'
attacheTo string null Selector of HTML element to which the loadinf indicator should be attached


You can configure default ng-material-loading options:

  opacity: 0.45,
  type: 'progress',

The configuration interface looks like this:

export interface NgMatLoadingConfig {
  opacity?: number; // Default content opacity when the loading indicator is imposed
  diameter?: number; // Default spinner diameter in pixels
  color?: 'primary' | 'warn' | 'accent'; // Default loading indicator color
  type?: 'spinner' | 'progress'; // Default loading indicator type
  attacheTo?: { [key: string]: string; } // host to target map (see below)

In attacheTo object you can list selector to which loading indicator should be attached for some commonly encountered host elements.

Contributig to ng-material-loading

You are more than welcome to improve this library or create issues on the GitHub issue tracker.