
Angular.js shim to handle input[type=file] 'change' events

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ngUpload from '';



The AngularJS documentation for the input directive reads:

Note: Not every feature offered is available for all input types. Specifically, data binding and event handling via ng-model is unsupported for input[file].

ng-upload is a little shim to fill in for that omission.


Install like:

npm install --save ng-upload

Include like (e.g., for a browserify build):

angular.module('myApp', [

Use like:

<input type="file" ng-upload="uploaded_file = $file">


<input type="file" ng-upload="handleUpload($files)" multiple>


  • It exposes a restrict: 'A' directive named ngUpload which listens for the change event on the element.
  • It compiles the value of the ng-upload attribute as a function, using $parse. It calls this function whenever the change event is triggered, using the current scope and the following context:

If multiple is not specified:

  $event: <the jqLite-wrapped 'change' event>,
  $file: <the first element of the element's 'files' value>

Or if multiple is specified:

  $event: <the jqLite-wrapped 'change' event>,
  $files: <all of the element's 'files' values>


Copyright 2015 Christopher Brown. MIT Licensed.