
A Zendesk API interaction wrapper for Angular applications.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ngZendeskOrm from '';


Angular Zendesk ORM

A Zendesk API interaction wrapper for Angular applications.

This currently only supports creating new Zendesk request objects.

Requires Angular 6.0.0 or later.

License: GPL 2.0 or later.

How to Use

1. Install the module

First, install the module in your Angular 6.x or later project with npm install --save 'ng-zendesk-orm'.

Then import the ZendeskORMModule in your root module. Get the symbol with import { ZendeskORMModule } from 'ng-zendesk-orm';.

2. Configure the module for your Zendesk Account

Second, configure the module for your own Zendesk integration. Do this by providing an object that implements the ZendeskConfig interface in your application's root module, using the ZENDESK_CONFIG injection token.

This can seem a bit confusing... I recommend simply copy-pasting from the example below and replacing the three object properties with your own values.

// Not included in excerpt: The rest of your root module's imports list
import {
} from 'ng-zendesk-orm';

const MyZendeskConfig: ZendeskConfig = {
    simulateAPI: 'no',

    // your subdomain e.g. "example" in ""
    subdomain: 'my-zendesk-subdomain',

    // your secret API token
    token: '1234567789';

    providers: [
        { provide: ZENDESK_CONFIG, factory: () => new ZendeskConfig() },

    // additional module metadata
export class YourAppModule { /* ... */ }

subdomain and token are required properties of your ZendeskConfig object. simulateAPI is, as well and can be one of three different string values. Set it to 'no' to make your application interact directly with Zendesk, as in a production environment. The other two options are useful for debugging: 'succeed' and 'fail' will simulate successful responses and error responses, respectively.

3. Create Zendesk requests within your code

Third, import ZendeskORMService into any service you want to make calls to the Zendesk API from its createRequest() method like so:

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import {
} from 'ng-zendesk-orm';

export class MyService {
    // inject ZendeskORMService
    constructor( zendesk: ZendeskORMService ) {}
    // A method called when user submits a form that should generate
    // a Zendesk request object
    submitForm() {
            12345, // your ZenDesk form ID
            'Jane Doe', // requester name
            '', // requester email
            'subject', // subject of the request
            'I have a question. Please get back to me.', // request body
            this.mySuccessCallback, // success handler
            this.myErrorCallback, // error handler
            ['array', 'of', 'tags'], // optional
            [ // optional array of custom field objects with id/value properties
                    id: 12345 // custom field id
                    value: 'value' // value to set
                    id: 54321 // custom field id
                    value: 'another value' // value to set
    // A callback for successful request creation
    mySuccessCallback(dataSent: ZendeskRequestAPIPayload, dataReceived: any) {
        /* do stuff with response */

    // A callback for UNsuccessful request creation
    myErrorCallback(dataSent: ZendeskRequestAPIPayload, dataReceived: any) {
        /* do stuff with error */

What's Included

  1. ZendeskORMModule is this module. Include it in your Angular application to use its functionality.
  2. ZendeskORMService is an injectable Angular service. Interact with this to create Zendesk requests.
  3. ZENDESK_CONFIG is an injection token that allows referring to configuration objects.
  4. ZendeskConfig is an interface describing the shape of configuration objects for this module. Provide an object that implements this interface with the ZENDESK_CONFIG injection toekn as described above to configure the module for your own Zendesk account, as described above.
  5. ZendeskRequestAPIPayload is an interface that describes the shape of payloads sent to Zendesk's "request" API. Your success and error callback methods will need to use this in their call signature.

The module also includes ZendeskAPIService for internal use, to interact directly with Zendesk's APIs. (ZendeskORMService is a more application-friendly wrapper that uses ZendeskAPIService under the hood.) This isn't exported by the module because it is intended for internal private use, so it won't be available to your application.


Nice-to-have features:

  • Add test coverage!
  • Fully support all 'request' payload interface members
  • Add support for HTTP request types beyond 'POST' for "requests"
  • Extend support beyond Zendesk requests
  • Maybe support Angular 4.x and later, instead of 6.x and later?
    • Upgrading from 4.x to 6.x isn't terribly onerous in most cases, so I'll only work on this if I get requests for it.



Run ng build ng-zendesk-orm --prod to build the library. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory. Use the --prod flag for a production build.

Publish updates to NPM

# manually increment version in package.json
# avoid git tags since we're publishing from `dist/` later
npm --no-git-tag-version -f version [major|minor|patch]

# build
ng build ng-zendesk-orm --prod

# switch to built package
cd dist/ng-zendesk-orm/

# publish update npm
npm publish

Run tests

There currently are no tests!

  • Run ng test to execute the unit tests via Karma.
  • Run ng e2e to execute the end-to-end tests via Protractor.