
Alfresco Angular2 DataTable Component

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ng2AlfrescoDatatable from '';


DataTable Component

See it live: DataTable Quickstart


Before you start using this development framework, make sure you have installed all required software and done all the necessary configuration, see this page.

If you plan using this component with projects generated by Angular CLI, please refer to the following article: Using ADF with Angular CLI


npm install ng2-alfresco-datatable

Basic usage




import { ObjectDataTableAdapter }  from 'ng2-alfresco-datatable';

export class DataTableDemo {
    data: ObjectDataTableAdapter;

    constructor() { = new ObjectDataTableAdapter(
            // data
                {id: 1, name: 'Name 1'},
                {id: 2, name: 'Name 2'}
            // schema
                    type: 'text',
                    key: 'id',
                    title: 'Id',
                    sortable: true
                    type: 'text',
                    key: 'name',
                    title: 'Name',
                    cssClass: 'full-width',
                    sortable: true

DataTable demo

You can also use HTML-based schema declaration like shown below:

<alfresco-datatable [data]="data">
        <data-column key="icon" type="image" [sortable]="false"></data-column>
        <data-column key="id" title="Id"></data-column>
        <data-column key="createdOn" title="Created"></data-column>
        <data-column key="name" title="Name" class="full-width name-column"></data-column>
        <data-column key="" title="Created By"></data-column>
import { ObjectDataTableAdapter } from 'ng2-alfresco-datatable';

export class DataTableDemo {
    data: ObjectDataTableAdapter;

    constructor() { = new ObjectDataTableAdapter(
            // data
                    id: 1, 
                    name: 'Name 1', 
                    createdBy : { name: 'user'}, 
                    createdOn: 123, 
                    icon: ''
                    id: 2, 
                    name: 'Name 2', 
                    createdBy : { name: 'user 2'}, 
                    createdOn: 123, 
                    icon: ''

DataTable Properties

Name Type Default Description
selectionMode string 'single' Row selection mode. Can be none, single or multiple. For multiple mode you can use Cmd (macOS) or Ctrl (Win) modifier key to toggle selection for multiple rows.
rowStyle string The inline style to apply to every row, see NgStyle docs for more details and usage examples
rowStyleClass string The CSS class to apply to every row
data DataTableAdapter instance of ObjectDataTableAdapter data source
rows Object[] [] The rows that the datatable should show
multiselect boolean false Toggles multiple row selection, renders checkboxes at the beginning of each row
actions boolean false Toggles data actions column
actionsPosition string (left|right) right Position of the actions dropdown menu.
fallbackThumbnail string Fallback image for row ehre thubnail is missing
contextMenu boolean false Toggles custom context menu for the component
allowDropFiles boolean false Toggle file drop support for rows (see ng2-alfresco-core/UploadDirective for more details)
loading boolean false Flag that indicate if the datable is in loading state and need to show the loading template. Read the documentation above to know how to configure a loading template

DataColumn Properties

Here's the list of available properties you can define for a Data Column definition.

Name Type Default Description
key string Data source key, can be either column/property key like title or property path like
type string (text|image|date) text Value type
format string Value format (if supported by components), for example format of the date
sortable boolean true Toggles ability to sort by this column, for example by clicking the column header
title string Display title of the column, typically used for column headers
template TemplateRef Custom column template
sr-title string Screen reader title, used for accessibility purposes
class string Additional CSS class to be applied to column (header and cells)

DataTable Events

Name Description
rowClick Emitted when user clicks the row
rowDblClick Emitted when user double-clicks the row
showRowContextMenu Emitted before context menu is displayed for a row
showRowActionsMenu Emitted before actions menu is displayed for a row
executeRowAction Emitted when row action is executed by user

DataTable DOM Events

Below are the DOM events raised by DataTable component.

Name Description
row-click Emitted when user clicks the row
row-dblclick Emitted when user double-clicks the row

These events are bubbled up the element tree and can be subscribed to from within parent components.

<root-component (row-click)="onRowClick($event)">
onRowClick(event) {

Empty content template

You can add a template that will be showed when there are no result in your datatable:

            <!--Add your custom empty template here-->
                <h1>Sorry, no content</h1>

Loading content template

You can add a template that will be showed during the loading of your data:

               <!--Add your custom loading template here-->
    isLoading(): boolean {
        //your custom logic to identify if you are in a loading state 

Note: the <loading-content-template> and <no-content-template> can be used together

Column Templates

It is possible assigning a custom column template like the following:

<alfresco-datatable ...>
        <data-column title="Version" key="">
            <template let-value="value">
                <span>V. {{value}}</span>

Example above shows access to the underlying cell value by binding value property to the underlying context value:

<template let-value="value">

Alternatively you can get access to the entire data context using the following syntax:

<template let-entry="$implicit">

That means you are going to create local variable entry that is bound to the data context via Angular's special $implicit keyword.

<template let-entry="$implicit">
    <span>V. {{, entry.col)}}</span>

In the second case entry variable is holding a reference to the following data context:

    data: DataTableAdapter,
    row: DataRow,
    col: DataColumn


rowClick event

This event is emitted when user clicks the row.

Event properties:

sender: any     // DataTable instance 
value: DataRow, // row clicked
event: Event    // original HTML DOM event

Handler example:

onRowClicked(event: DataRowEvent) {

This event is cancellable, you can use event.preventDefault() to prevent default behaviour.

rowDblClick event

This event is emitted when user double-clicks the row.

Event properties:

sender: any     // DataTable instance 
value: DataRow, // row clicked
event: Event    // original HTML DOM event

Handler example:

onRowDblClicked(event: DataRowEvent) {

This event is cancellable, you can use event.preventDefault() to prevent default behaviour.

showRowContextMenu event

Emitted before context menu is displayed for a row.

Note that DataTable itself does not populate context menu items, you can provide all necessary content via handler.

Event properties:

value: {
    row: DataRow,
    col: DataColumn,
    actions: []

Handler example:

onShowRowContextMenu(event: DataCellEvent) {
    event.value.actions = [
        { ... },
        { ... }

This event is cancellable, you can use event.preventDefault() to prevent default behaviour.

DataTable will automatically render provided menu items.

Please refer to ContextMenu documentation for more details on context actions format and behavior.

showRowActionsMenu event

Emitted before actions menu is displayed for a row. Requires actions property to be set to true.

Event properties:

value: {
    row: DataRow,
    action: any

Note that DataTable itself does not populate action menu items, you can provide all necessary content via handler.

This event is cancellable, you can use event.preventDefault() to prevent default behaviour.

executeRowAction event

Emitted when row action is executed by user.

Usually accompanies showRowActionsMenu event. DataTable itself does not execute actions but provides support for external integration. If there were actions provided with showRowActionsMenu event then executeRowAction will be automatically executed when user clicks corresponding menu item.

import { DataCellEvent, DataRowActionEvent } from 'ng2-alfresco-datatable';

onShowRowActionsMenu(event: DataCellEvent) {
    let myAction = {
        title: 'Hello'
        // your custom metadata needed for onExecuteRowAction
    event.value.actions = [

onExecuteRowAction(event: DataRowActionEvent) {
    let args = event.value;
    window.alert(`My custom action: ${args.action.title}`);

Developers are allowed putting any payloads as row actions. The only requirement for the objects is having title property.

Once corresponding action is clicked in the dropdown menu DataTable invokes executeRowAction event where you can handle the process, inspect the action payload and all custom properties defined earlier, and do corresponding actions.

Data sources

DataTable component gets data by means of data adapter. It is possible having data retrieved from different kinds of sources by implementing a custom DataTableAdapter using the following interfaces:

interface DataTableAdapter {
    selectedRow: DataRow;
    getRows(): Array<DataRow>;
    setRows(rows: Array<DataRow>): void;
    getColumns(): Array<DataColumn>;
    setColumns(columns: Array<DataColumn>): void;
    getValue(row: DataRow, col: DataColumn): any;
    getSorting(): DataSorting;
    setSorting(sorting: DataSorting): void;
    sort(key?: string, direction?: string): void;

interface DataRow {
    isSelected: boolean;
    hasValue(key: string): boolean;
    getValue(key: string): any;

interface DataColumn {
    key: string;
    type: string; // text|image|date
    format?: string;
    sortable?: boolean;
    title?: string;
    srTitle?: string;
    cssClass?: string;
    template?: TemplateRef<any>;

DataTable provides ObjectDataTableAdapter out-of-box. This is a simple data adapter implementation that binds to object arrays and turns object fields into columns:

let data = new ObjectDataTableAdapter(
    // data
        { id: 1, name: 'Name 1' },
        { id: 2, name: 'Name 2' }
    // schema
            type: 'text', 
            key: 'id', 
            title: 'Id', 
            sortable: true 
            type: 'text', 
            key: 'name', 
            title: 'Name', 
            sortable: true

Generate schema

Is possible to auto generate your schema if you have only the data row

let data =  [
    { id: 2, name: 'abs' },
    { id: 1, name: 'xyz' }

let schema = ObjectDataTableAdapter.generateSchema(data);

/*Auto generated schema value:
        type: 'text', 
        key: 'id', 
        title: 'Id', 
        sortable: false 
        type: 'text', 
        key: 'name', 
        title: 'Name', 
        sortable: false

Pagination Component

The pagination object is a generic component to paginate component. The Alfresco API are paginated and returns a Pagination object. You can use the pagination object to feed the pagination component and then listen to the event which return the current pagination and query again the API with the options choose by the user.

DataTable demo


Name Type Default Description
supportedPageSizes numer[] [5, 10, 20, 50, 100] This array describe the set of options showed in the pick list
maxItems boolean false Max number of element showed per page. If you pick another size from the pick list this option will be overwritten
pagination Pagination {count: 0, totalItems: 0, skipCount: 0, maxItems: 20 , hasMoreItems: true} The Alfresco Api return a pagination object, you can use it to feed the pagination component, or create your own.


Name Description
changePageSize Emitted when user picks one of the options from the pick list
nextPage Emitted when user clicks next page button
prevPage Emitted when user clicks prev page button

All the events carry with them the current pagination object.

Build from sources

You can build component from sources with the following commands:

npm install
npm run build

The build task rebuilds all the code, runs tslint, license checks and other quality check tools before performing unit testing.

NPM scripts

Command Description
npm run build Build component
npm run test Run unit tests in the console
npm run test-browser Run unit tests in the browser
npm run coverage Run unit tests and display code coverage report


Please check the demo folder for a demo project

cd demo
npm install
npm start


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