
Alfresco Angular2 Document List Component

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ng2AlfrescoDocumentlist from '';


DocumentList Component for Angular 2

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Before you start using this development framework, make sure you have installed all required software and done all the necessary configuration prerequisites.

See also


Follow the 3 steps below:

  1. Npm

    npm install ng2-alfresco-documentlist --save
  2. Html

    Include these dependencies in your index.html page:

      <!-- Google Material Design Lite -->
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="node_modules/material-design-lite/material.min.css">
      <script src="node_modules/material-design-lite/material.min.js"></script>
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="node_modules/material-design-icons/iconfont/material-icons.css">
      <!-- Load the Angular Material 2 stylesheet -->
      <link href="node_modules/@angular/material/core/theming/prebuilt/deeppurple-amber.css" rel="stylesheet">
      <!-- Polyfill(s) for Safari (pre-10.x) -->
      <script src="node_modules/intl/dist/Intl.min.js"></script>
      <script src="node_modules/intl/locale-data/jsonp/en.js"></script>
      <!-- Polyfill(s) for older browsers -->
      <script src="node_modules/core-js/client/shim.min.js"></script>
      <script src="//"></script>
      <script src="node_modules/element.scrollintoviewifneeded-polyfill/index.js"></script>
      <!-- Polyfill(s) for dialogs -->
      <script src="node_modules/dialog-polyfill/dialog-polyfill.js"></script>
      <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="node_modules/dialog-polyfill/dialog-polyfill.css" />
      <style>._dialog_overlay { position: static !important; } </style>
      <!-- Modules  -->
      <script src="node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js"></script>
      <script src="node_modules/reflect-metadata/Reflect.js"></script>
      <script src="node_modules/systemjs/dist/system.src.js"></script>
  3. SystemJs

    Add the following components to your systemjs.config.js file:

    • ng2-translate
    • alfresco-js-api
    • ng2-alfresco-core
    • ng2-alfresco-datatable
    • ng2-alfresco-documentlist

    Please refer to the following example file: systemjs.config.js .

Basic usage


Usage example of this component :


import { NgModule, Component, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';
import { CoreModule } from 'ng2-alfresco-core';
import { DocumentListModule, DocumentList } from 'ng2-alfresco-documentlist';
import { AlfrescoSettingsService, AlfrescoAuthenticationService } from 'ng2-alfresco-core';

    selector: 'alfresco-app-demo',
    template: `
class DocumentListDemo {

    documentList: DocumentListComponent;

    constructor(private authService: AlfrescoAuthenticationService, 
                private settingsService: AlfrescoSettingsService) {
        settingsService.ecmHost = 'http://localhost:8080';

        this.authService.login('admin', 'admin').subscribe(
            ticket => {
            error => {

    imports: [
    declarations: [DocumentListDemo],
    bootstrap: [DocumentListDemo]
export class AppModule {



The properties currentFolderId, folderNode and node are the entry initialization properties of the document list. They can not be used together, choose the one that suites more your use case.

Name Type Default Description
currentFolderId string null Initial node ID of displayed folder. Can be -root-, -shared-, -my-, or a fixed node ID
folderNode MinimalNodeEntryEntity null Currently displayed folder node
node NodePaging null Document list will show all the node contained in the NodePaging entity
navigate boolean true Toggles navigation to folder content or file preview
navigationMode string (click,dblclick) dblclick User interaction for folder navigation or file preview
thumbnails boolean false Show document thumbnails rather than icons
fallbackThumbnail string Path to fallback image to use if the row thumbnail is missing
multiselect boolean false Toggles multiselect mode
contentActions boolean false Toggles content actions for each row
contentActionsPosition string (left|right) right Position of the content actions dropdown menu.
contextMenuActions boolean false Toggles context menus for each row
enablePagination boolean true Shows pagination
creationMenuActions boolean true Toggles the creation menu actions
rowFilter RowFilter Custom row filter, see more.
imageResolver ImageResolver Custom image resolver, see more.
allowDropFiles boolean false Toggle file drop support for rows (see ng2-alfresco-core/UploadDirective for more details)
sorting string[] Defines default sorting. The format is an array of 2 strings [key, direction] i.e. ['name', 'desc'] or ['name', 'asc']. Set this value only if you want to override default sorting detected by the component based on columns.


Name Description
nodeClick Emitted when user clicks the node
nodeDblClick Emitted when user double-clicks the node
folderChange Emitted upon display folder changed
preview Emitted when document preview is requested either with single or double click

For a complete example source code please refer to DocumentList Demo repository.

DOM Events

Below are the DOM events the DocumentList component emits. All of them are bubbling, meaning you can handle them in any component up the parent hierarchy, even if DocumentList is wrapped by another component(s).

Name Description
node-click Raised when user clicks the node
node-dblclick Raised when user double-clicks the node

Every event is represented by a CustomEvent instance, having at least the following properties as part of the Event.detail property value:

    sender: DocumentListComponent,
    node: MinimalNodeEntity

Handling DOM events

Here's a basic example on handling DOM events in the parent elements:

<div (node-click)="onNodeClicked($event)" 
        <alfresco-upload-drag-area ...>
             <alfresco-document-list ...>

Setting default folder

You can set current folder path by assigning a value for currentFolderId property. It can be either one of the well-known locations as -root-, -shared- or -my- or a node ID (guid).

There may be scenarios when it is needed to set default path based on relative string value rather than node ID. For example when folder name or path is static but it's underlying ID is not (i.e. created manually by admin). In this case you can use alfresco-js-api to get node details based on it's relative path.

Let's try setting default folder to /Sites/swsdp/documentLibrary without knowing it's ID beforehand. For the sake of simplicity example below shows only main points you may need paying attention to:

import { ChangeDetectorRef } from '@angular/core';
import { AlfrescoApiService } from 'ng2-alfresco-core';

export class FilesComponent implements OnInit {

    currentFolderId: string = '-my-';

    constructor(private apiService: AlfrescoApiService,
                private changeDetector: ChangeDetectorRef) {
        // ...

    ngOnInit() {
        let nodes: any = this.apiService.getInstance().nodes;
        nodes.getNodeInfo('-root-', {
            includeSource: true,
            include: ['path', 'properties'],
            relativePath: '/Sites/swsdp/documentLibrary'
        .then(node => {
            this.currentFolderId =;

We've added console.log(node) for the getNodeInfo callback just for study and debug purposes. It helps examining other valuable information you can have access to if needed:


Important note: for this particular scenario you must also trigger changeDetector.detectChanges() as in the example above.

Calling DocumentList api directly

Typically you will be binding DocumentList properties to your application/component class properties:

<alfresco-document-list [currentFolderId]="myStartFolder"></alfresco-document-list>

with the underlying class being implemented similar to the following one:

export class MyAppComponent {

    myStartFolder: string = '-my-';

However there may scenarios that require you direct access to DocumentList apis. You can get reference to the DocumentList instance by means of Angular Component Interaction API. See more details in Parent calls a ViewChild section of the official docs.

Here's an example of getting reference:


Note the #documentList ID we've just added to be able referencing this component later on.

import { ViewChild, AfterViewInit } from '@angular/core';
import { DocumentListComponent } from 'ng2-alfresco-documentlist';

export class MyAppComponent implements AfterViewInit {

    myStartFolder: string = '-my-';
    documentList: DocumentListComponent;

    ngAfterViewInit() {

Example above should produce the following browser console output:


Now you are able accessing DocumentList properties or calling methods directly.

// print currently displayed folder node object to console

Important note:
It is important accessing child components at least at the AfterViewInit state. Any UI click (buttons, links, etc.) event handlers are absolutely fine. This cannot be ngOnInit event though. You can get more details in Component lifecycle hooks article.

Breadcrumb Component

DocumentList provides simple breadcrumb element to indicate the current position within a navigation hierarchy.




Name Type Description
target DocumentListComponent DocumentList component to operate with. Upon clicks will instruct the given component to update.
folderNode MinimalNodeEntryEntity Active node, builds UI based on folderNode.path.elements collection.

Creation Menu Action

DocumentList provides simple creation menu actions that provide the action to create a new folder.


Creation Menu Action

When the "New Folder" button is pressed the dialog appears.

Creation Menu Action

Custom columns

It is possible to reorder, extend or completely redefine data columns displayed by the component. By default special $thumbnail and displayName columns are rendered.

A custom set of columns can look like the following:

<alfresco-document-list ...>
        <content-column key="$thumbnail" type="image"></content-column>
            class="full-width ellipsis-cell">
            title="Created By" 
            title="Created On" 

Custom columns

You can also use HTML-based schema declaration used by DataTable, TaskList and other components:

<alfresco-datatable [data]="data" ...>
        <data-column type="image" key="icon" [sortable]="false"></data-column>
        <data-column key="id" title="Id"></data-column>
        <data-column key="createdOn" title="Created"></data-column>
        <data-column key="name" title="Name" class="full-width name-column"></data-column>
        <data-column key="" title="Created By"></data-column>

DataColumn Properties

Here's the list of available properties you can define for a Data Column definition.

Name Type Default Description
key string Data source key, can be either column/property key like title or property path like
type string (text|image|date) text Value type
format string Value format (if supported by components), for example format of the date
sortable boolean true Toggles ability to sort by this column, for example by clicking the column header
title string Display title of the column, typically used for column headers
template TemplateRef Custom column template
sr-title string Screen reader title, used for accessibility purposes
class string Additional CSS class to be applied to column (header and cells)

DocumentList component assigns an instance of MinimalNode type (alfresco-js-api) as a data context of each row.

export interface MinimalNode {
    id: string;
    parentId: string;
    name: string;
    nodeType: string;
    isFolder: boolean;
    isFile: boolean;
    modifiedAt: Date;
    modifiedByUser: UserInfo;
    createdAt: Date;
    createdByUser: UserInfo;
    content: ContentInfo;
    path: PathInfoEntity;
    properties: NodeProperties;

See more details in alfresco-js-api repository.

Binding to nested properties is also supported. You can define a column key as a property path similar to the following:


Here's a short example:

<alfresco-document-list ...>
        <content-column key="$thumbnail" type="image"></content-column>
        <content-column title="Name" key="name" class="full-width ellipsis-cell"></content-column>
            title="Created By" 

Column definition


Name Type Default Description
title string Column title
sr-title string Screen reader title, used only when title is empty
key string Column source key, example: createdByUser.displayName
sortable boolean false Toggle sorting ability via column header clicks
class string CSS class list, example: full-width ellipsis-cell
type string text Column type, text|date|number
format string Value format pattern
template TemplateRef<any> Column template

For date column type the DatePipe formatting is used. For a full list of available format values please refer to DatePipe documentation.

Column Template

It is possible providing custom column/cell template that may contain other Angular components or HTML elmements:

Every cell in the DataTable component is bound to the dynamic data context containing the following properties:

Name Type Description
data DataTableAdapter Data adapter instance.
row DataRow Current data row instance.
col DataColumn Current data column instance.

You can use all three properties to gain full access to underlying data from within your custom templates. In order to wire HTML templates with the data context you will need defining a variable that is bound to $implicit like shown below:

<template let-context="$implicit">
    <!-- template body -->

The format of naming is let-VARIABLE_NAME="$implicit" where VARIABLE_NAME is the name of the variable you want binding template data context to.

Getting a cell value from the underlying DataTableAdapter:, entry.col);

You can retrieve all property values for underlying node, including nested properties (via property paths):


You may want using row api to get raw value access.

<content-column title="Name" key="name" sortable="true" class="full-width ellipsis-cell">
    <template let-context="$implicit">
        <span>Hi! {{context.row.getValue('createdByUser.displayName')}}</span>
        <span>Hi! {{context.row.getValue('name')}}</span>

Use data api to get values with post-processing, like datetime/icon conversion._

In the Example below will prepend Hi! to each file and folder name in the list:

<content-column title="Name" key="name" sortable="true" class="full-width ellipsis-cell">
    <template let-entry="$implicit">
        <span>Hi! {{, entry.col)}}</span>

In the Example below will add the ng2-alfresco-tag component is integrate in the document list.

    title="{{'DOCUMENT_LIST.COLUMNS.TAG' | translate}}"
    class="full-width ellipsis-cell">
    <template let-entry="$implicit">
        <alfresco-tag-node-list  [nodeId]=", entry.col)"></alfresco-tag-node-list>

Tag component in document List


DocumentList supports declarative actions for Documents and Folders. Each action can be bound to either default out-of-box handler or a custom behavior. You can define both folder and document actions at the same time.

Menu actions

<alfresco-document-list ...>

            title="System action"

            title="Custom action"

export class MyView {
    // ...

    myCustomAction1(event) {
        let entry = event.value.entry;
        alert(`Custom document action for ${}`);

All document actions are rendered as a dropdown menu as on the picture below:

Document Actions

Default action handlers

The following action handlers are provided out-of-box:

  • Download (document)
  • Delete (document, folder)

All system handler names are case-insensitive, handler="download" and handler="DOWNLOAD" will trigger the same download action.

Delete - Show notification message with no permission

You can show a notification error when the user don't have the right permission to perform the action. The ContentActionComponent provides the event permissionEvent that is raised when the permission specified in the permission property is missing You can subscribe to this event from your component and use the NotificationService to show a message.

<alfresco-document-list ...>



export class MyComponent {

onPermissionsFailed(event: any) {
    this.notificationService.openSnackMessage(`you don't have the ${event.permission} permission to ${event.action} the ${event.type} `, 4000);


Delete show notification message

Delete - Disable button checking the permission

You can easily disable a button when the user doesn't own the permission to perform the action related to the button. The ContentActionComponent provides the property permission that must contain the permission to check and a property disableWithNoPermission that can be true if you want see the button disabled.

<alfresco-document-list ...>



Delete disable action button


Initiates download of the corresponding document file.

<alfresco-document-list ...>



Download document action

Folder actions

Folder actions have the same declaration as document actions except taget="folder" attribute value.

<alfresco-document-list ...>

            title="Default folder action 1"

            title="Custom folder action"

export class MyView {
    // ...

    myFolderAction1(event) {
        let entry = event.value.entry;
        alert(`Custom folder action for ${}`);

Folder Actions

Context Menu

DocumentList also provide integration for 'Context Menu Service' from the ng2-alfresco-core library.

You can automatically turn all menu actions (for the files and folders) into context menu items like shown below:

Folder context menu

Enabling context menu is very simple:

    selector: 'my-view',
    template: `
export class MyView {

This enables context menu items for documents and folders.

Navigation mode

By default DocumentList component uses 'double-click' mode for navigation. That means user will see the contents of the folder by double-clicking its name or icon (similar to Google Drive behaviour). However it is possible switching to other modes, like single-click navigation for example.

The following navigation modes are supported:

  • click
  • dblclick

The following example switches navigation to single clicks:

<alfresco-document-list [navigationMode]="'click'">


DocumentList emits the following events:

Name Description
nodeClick emitted when user clicks a list node
nodeDblClick emitted when user double-clicks list node
folderChange emitted once current display folder has changed
preview emitted when user acts upon files with either single or double click (depends on navigation-mode), recommended for Viewer components integration
permissionError emitted when user is attempting to create a folder via action menu but it doesn't have the permission to do it

Advanced usage and customization

Custom row filter

You can create a custom row filter implementation that returns true if row should be displayed or false to hide it. Typical row filter implementation is a function that receives ShareDataRow as parameter:

myFilter(row: ShareDataRow): boolean {
    return true;

Note that for the sake of simplicity the example code below was reduced to the main points of interest only.




import { RowFilter, ShareDataRow } from 'ng2-alfresco-documentlist';

export class View1 {

    folderFilter: RowFilter;

    constructor() {
        // This filter will make document list show only folders
        this.folderFilter = (row: ShareDataRow) => {
            let node = row.node.entry;
            if (node && node.isFolder) {
                return true;
            return false;

Custom image resolver

You can create a custom image resolver implementation and take full control over how folder/file icons and thumbnails are resolved and what document list should display.

Image resolvers are executed only for columns of the image type.

Typical image resolver implementation is a function that receives DataRow and DataColumn as parameters:

myImageResolver(row: DataRow, col: DataColumn): string {
    return '/path/to/image';

Your function can return null or false values to fallback to default image resolving behavior.

Note that for the sake of simplicity the example code below was reduced to the main points of interest only.


        <content-column key="name" type="image"></content-column>


import { DataColumn, DataRow } from 'ng2-alfresco-datatable';
import { ImageResolver } from 'ng2-alfresco-documentlist';

export class View1 {

    folderImageResolver: ImageResolver;
    constructor() {
        // Customize folder icons, leave file icons untouched
        this.folderImageResolver = (row: DataRow, col: DataColumn) => {
            let isFolder = <boolean> row.getValue('isFolder');
            if (isFolder) {
                // (optional) You may want dynamically getting the column value
                let name = row.getValue(col.key);
                // Format image url
                return `http://<my custom path to folder icon>/${name}`;
            // For the rest of the cases just fallback to default behaviour.
            return null;


Hiding columns on small screens

You can hide columns on small screens by means of custom CSS rules:

@media all and (max-width: 768px) {

    alfresco-document-list >>> th.desktop-only .cell-value {
        display: none;

    alfresco-document-list >>> td.desktop-only .cell-value {
        display: none;

Now you can declare columns and assign desktop-only class where needed:

<alfresco-document-list ...>
        <!-- always visible columns -->
        <content-column key="$thumbnail" type="image"></content-column>
                class="full-width ellipsis-cell">
        <!-- desktop-only columns -->
                title="Created by"
                title="Created on"

Desktop View

Responsive Desktop

Mobile View

Responsive Mobile

Custom 'empty folder' template

By default DocumentList provides the following content for the empty folder:

Default empty folder

This can be changed by means of the custom html template:

<alfresco-document-list ...>
            <h1>Sorry, no content here</h1>

That will give the following output:

Custom empty folder

Customizing default actions

It is possible extending or replacing the list of available system actions for documents and folders. Actions for the documents and folders can be accessed via the following services:

  • DocumentActionsService, document action menu and quick document actions
  • FolderActionsService, folder action menu and quick folder actions

Example below demonstrates how a new action handler can be registered with the DocumentActionsService.

<alfresco-document-list ...>

            title="My action"


You register custom handler called my-handler that will be executing myDocumentActionHandler function each time upon being invoked.

import { DocumentActionsService } from 'ng2-alfresco-documentlist';

export class MyView {

    constructor(documentActions: DocumentActionsService) {

    myDocumentActionHandler(obj: any) {
        window.alert('my custom action handler');

The same approach allows changing the way out-of-box action handlers behave. Registering custom action with the name download replaces default one:

export class MyView {

    constructor(documentActions: DocumentActionsService) {

    customDownloadBehavior(obj: any) {
        window.alert('my custom download behavior');

Typically you may want populating all your custom actions at the application root level or by means of custom application service.

Build from sources

Alternatively you can build component from sources with the following commands:

npm install
npm run build

Build the files and keep watching for changes

npm run build:w

Running unit tests

npm test

Running unit tests in browser

npm test-browser

This task rebuilds all the code, runs tslint, license checks and other quality check tools before performing unit testing.

Code coverage

npm run coverage


If you want have a demo of how the component works, please check the demo folder :

cd demo
npm install
npm start

NPM scripts

Command Description
npm run build Build component
npm run test Run unit tests in the console
npm run test-browser Run unit tests in the browser
npm run coverage Run unit tests and display code coverage report


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