
Angular library which checks the permission status and returns the permission status for the following api's .push, midi, camera, microphone, speaker, device-info, background-fetch, background-sync, bluetooth, persistent-storage, ambient-light-sensor, acc

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ngxCheckPermission from '';


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Permissions info

Angular library which provides device permission status which are allowed for current device / system.

Using service

Import the servie to appropriate component / service file as follows.

import { NgxCheckPermissionService } from 'ngx-check-permission';

constructor( public permission: NgxCheckPermissionService ) {}


Getting all the permission status is async process use async function in order to receive the response

async ngOnInit() {
    await this.checkPermissions();

public async checkPermissions() {
    await this.permission.getAllPermissions().then((permisssions) => {
        console.log(permisssions, '-----------');

Sample response

    "permissionName": "geolocation",
    "state": "prompt"
}, {
    "permissionName": "notifications",
    "state": "prompt"
}, {
    "permissionName": "midi",
    "state": "granted"
}, {
    "permissionName": "camera",
    "state": "prompt"
}, {
    "permissionName": "microphone",
    "state": "prompt"
}, {
    "permissionName": "background-fetch",
    "state": "granted"
}, {
    "permissionName": "background-sync",
    "state": "granted"
}, {
    "permissionName": "persistent-storage",
    "state": "prompt"
}, {
    "permissionName": "accelerometer",
    "state": "granted"
}, {
    "permissionName": "gyroscope",
    "state": "granted"
}, {
    "permissionName": "magnetometer",
    "state": "granted"
}, {
    "permissionName": "display-capture",
    "state": "prompt"

Permission list:

'geolocation', 'notifications', 'push', 'midi', 'camera', 'microphone', 'speaker', 'device-info', 'background-fetch', 'background-sync', 'bluetooth', 'persistent-storage', 'ambient-light-sensor', 'accelerometer', 'gyroscope', 'magnetometer', 'clipboard', 'display-capture', 'nfc',


CDN Link for ngx-array-

Angular version

This library was generated with Angular CLI version 13.0.0.

Code integration

To use this package as a service npm i ngx-check-permission install this on the root angular project .

Note: Don't forget to run this commend npm i ngx-check-permission on root folder or else it will throw error.


Thanks in advance

Manojkumar Muthukumar


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