
This directive helps to store value to a local variable to be bound in the template.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ngxLetDirective from '';



This directive helps to store value to a local variable to be bound in the template.

The directive works with Angular 5 and 6. To use it in Angular 4, you may import the .ts file directly (see Usage). For Angular 2, you may try it in Angular 4's way, but it's not tested.


1.Install ngx-let-directive.

npm i -S ngx-let-directive

2.Import NgxLetDirectiveModule to your Angular module.

Angular 4

import { NgxLetDirectiveModule } from 'ngx-let-directive/src';
  imports: [

Angular 5+

import { NgxLetDirectiveModule } from 'ngx-let-directive';
  imports: [

3.Add the "*let" attribute to an element or ngContainer.

<div *let="userObservable | async as user">
  Hello {{user}}!

4.Version History

1.0.1 unable-to-rebind bug fixed 1.0.0 initial version

Good luck.