
An Angular 4+ unique id directive and service

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ngxUid from '';


NgxUid - Angular Unique Ids

Build Status

A simple Angular 4+ service and directive to generate and bind unique ids to HTML elements. This can be of particular use for assigning ids when dynamically generating elements such as when using the Angular ngFor directive.


1. Install the library:

npm install --save ngx-uid

2. Import the NgxUidModule in your module:

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgxUidModule }  from 'ngx-uid';

import { AppComponent }  from './app.component';

  imports: [
    NgxUidModule.forRoot()  // <-- use `forRoot` in your app root module
  declarations: [AppComponent],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class MyModule {}

3. Use the NgxUidDirective (ngxUid) or NgxUidService in your component:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

import { NgxUidService } from 'ngx-uid';

  selector: 'app-component',
  template: `
  <!-- using the directive -->
  <input ngxUid #inputId1="ngxUid" type="checkbox">
  <label [for]="inputId1">Check 1</label>

  <!-- using the service -->
  <input [id]="inputId2" type="checkbox">
  <label [for]="inputId2">Check 1</label>
export class AppComponent { 
  constructor(private uidService: NgxUidService) { }
  inputId2 =;

You may also use the NgxUidNoBindDirective (ngxUidNoBind) to create a unique id in the template without automatically binding it to the host element's id.

<!-- directive no binding -->
<div id="notBound" #myDiv ngxUidNoBind #myId="ngxUidNoBind">
  <div>Here is the div id: {{}}</div>
  <div>Here is what a unique id looks like: {{myId}}</div>

4. (Optional) Configure the NgxUidService:

The default NgxUidService provides simple incrementing id values.

If you wish, you may define your own unique id factory by implementing the NgxUidService interface, such as to provide a universally unique id:

import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid';
import { NgxUidService }  from 'ngx-uid';

export class MyIdFactory implements NgxUidService {
  next() { return uuid(); }

Then either (1) configure a factory instance when importing the NgxUidModule module

  imports: [
      idFactory: new MyIdFactory()  // <-- (1)
  // ...
export class MyModule {}

or (2) set up your own provider for NgxUidService.

  providers: [
    {                               // <-- (2)
      provide: NgxUidService,
      useClass: MyIdFactory
  // ...
export class MyModule {}

See the demo source for an example application.



git clone
cd ngx-uid
npm install
npm start


  • npm start to run a live-reload server with the demo app
  • npm run test to test in watch mode, or npm run test:once to only run once
  • npm run build to build the library
  • npm run lint to lint
  • npm run clean to clean
  • npm install ./relative/path/to/lib after npm run build to test locally in another app




Thanks to the Angular QuickStart Library for the boilerplate.