
Run portable scripts through Nightmare

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nightmareScripted from '';


Nightmare Scripted

Nightmare scripted is a wrapper around Nightmare by segmentio which allows JSON scripting on the nightmare object.

Note: this module should never be used on a production server or any server where inputs can not be trusted this module uses eval() to convert strings to functions and could be a security risk in most cases.


npm install nightmare-scripted


Refer to the Nightmare documentation at


Nightmare must be initialized before use. This can be done on import or as a function call.

const nightmareScripted = require('nightmare-scripted')({electronPath: require('./node_modules/electron'),show: false});


const nightmareScripted = require('nightmare-scripted')();
nighmareScripted.init({electronPath: require('./node_modules/electron'),show: false});

Running a script

To run a script use the .run(script) function. It is await-able/then-able


let Script = JSON.stringify("[{'goto': [',_California']},{'cookies.clear': []},{'wait': ['body']},{'evaluate': [`()=>{const ghostTown = document.querySelector('tr > th > a[title="Ghost town"]');const row = ghostTown.parentElement.parentElement;const towns = Array.from(row.querySelectorAll('li > a')).map((el) => el.href);return towns;}`]}]);";

let res = await;


Available Functions

Most nightmare chainable functions are available.

goto useragent authentication end halt back forward refresh click mousedown mouseup mouseover mouseout type insert check uncheck select scrollTo viewPort inject evaluate wait waitfn header exists visible on once removeListener screenshot html pdf title url path cookies.get cookies.set cookies.clear


Passing end is optional at the end of your script. It will be called automatically after all of your scripted functions are run.

wait and waitfn

For code simplicity ``wait(fn[, arg1, arg2,...]) has been replaced with waitfn(fn[, arg1, arg2,...]);

wait still accepts a ms integer or a string selector.

Script format

Scripts are formatted as an array of objects. Both JSON string representation and JavaScript arrays are accepted. Objects should have a key with the name of the function and a value with the arguments as an array. It is best practice to set an empty array when no arguments are to be passed (though you can set it to undefined).

    {'goto': ['']},
    {'type': ['input.gLFyf.gsfi', 'Lets search the web']},