
There is an automatic build on each commit. You can test the application at:

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nmrDisplayer from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/nmr-displayer';



There is an automatic build on each commit. You can test the application at:


Want to play ? You can do some 1D NMR exercises ;)


Also you can do some 2D NMR exercises ;)


You can do some 1D NMR tests/ exams ;)


If you have jcamps accessible from an URL and that your server allow cross-origin you can directly open your file in the nmr-displayer:


Link loading the default samples test cases


Install and test locally

git clone https://github.com/cheminfo/nmr-displayer.git
cd nmr-displayer
npm i
npm start

General information about the programmation

  • Useful vscode plugins:
    • prettier
    • eslint
    • intellicode
    • gitlens
    • live share
    • github pull request
    • Bracket Pair Colorizer
  • When you develop 2 different projects in parallel that depends of each other don't forget to use npm link.

Commit messages

Please use semantic commit messages : https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0-beta.4/

Programming with React and D3

The idea is to use the approach described in the bottom of the document: "React for element creation, D3 as the visualization kernel" : https://medium.com/@Elijah_Meeks/interactive-applications-with-react-d3-f76f7b3ebc71

Immutable javascript

Please read the following blog post:


And in particular we want to use immer: https://github.com/immerjs/immer

Use as a library in a React project

Install the package

npm install nmr-displayer

OpenChemLib version

This module makes use of openchemlib/full and registers it with openchemlib-utlis.
If you use OpenChemLib somewhere else in your project, make sure to also import from openchemlib/full to avoid having multiple OCL versions in your bundle.

Use the component

import NMRDisplayer from 'nmr-displayer';

function MyComponent() {
  return <NMRDisplayer />;


npm version patch
git push --follow-tags
npm publish