
command-line application that reads a DJI '.txt' file and outputs a json.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nodeDjiparsetxt from '';



npm NPM

Decrypts and parse DJI logs and outputs csv files, along other things. Based on djiparsetxt.

This package requires node version 10 or older. Basically the stable release.


From the terminal

The main use case for is through a terminal to create json version of logs.

The cli's format is:

    node-djiparsetxt FILE [FILE...] [OPTIONS]

Type node-djiparsetxt --help for more info on options.

Example to create a json file from a text log:

    node-djiparsetxt log1.txt > log1.json

If you want to output csv:

    node-djiparsetext log1.txt --csv > log1.csv

From a script

node-djiparsetxt supports usage as a library to integrate it to a bigger workflow or to create batch processing of log files.

Example script that prints preformatted json file from a log file:

const djiparsetxt = require('node-djiparsetxt');
const fs = require('fs');

const file_path = "path_to_log.txt";

fs.readFile(file_path, (err, data) => {
    if (err) throw err;
    console.log(JSON.stringify(djiparsetxt.parse_file(data), null, 4));

node-djiparsetxt Module

parse_file(buf: Buffer, filter: (IRowObject) => boolean): IRowObject[]

Parse a given buffer and return an array of IRowObject instances.

If a filter parameter is given, then only the rows that return filter(row) true is returned in the array.


  • buf: Buffer: Buffer instance of the file to parse.
  • filter: (IRowObject) => boolean: Filter function to specify what rows to include.


An array of with the rows extracted from the file.

get_details(buf: Buffer): any

Get the details section of the given file.


  • buf: Buffer: Buffer instance of the file to parse.


An object with properties and values from the details area.

get_header(buf: Buffer): IHeaderInfo

Get the header of the given file.


  • buf: Buffer: Buffer instance of the file to parse.


IHeaderInfo structure from the file.

get_kml(buf: Buffer, image?: string, removeNoSignalRecords: boolean = false): Promise<string>

Returns a kml string from a given file buffer.


  • buf: Buffer: Buffer instance of the file to parse.
  • image?: string: Image to use as background for the kml.
  • removeNoSignalRecords: boolean: If to remove rows where there was no GPS signal.


A string with the kml file.