
NodeJS library for reading and writing EDF files. (WIP)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nodeEdf from '';


Node EDF

NodeJS library for reading and writing EDF files. (WIP)


npm install node-edf --save-exact

The --save-exact flag is recommended (to disable version-extending), since this package uses Explicit Versioning (Release.Breaking.FeatureOrFix) rather than SemVer (Breaking.Feature.Fix).

For FeatureOrFix version-extending (recommended for libraries), prepend "~" in package.json. (for Breaking, prepend "^")


function ExportNightEEGData(sessionFolderName: string, exportChannelsInOneFile = true) {
    const path = GetSessionFolderPath(sessionFolderName); // project-specific
    console.log(`Starting export of session: ${sessionFolderName}`);
    // project-specific
    const sessionInfo = JSON.parse(ReadFileTextSync_Safe(paths.join(path, "SessionInfo.json")) ?? `{}`)
    const data = {
        Forehead_Left: new Float32Array(GetEEGSamples("EEG_Left.json")),
        Forehead_Right: new Float32Array(EEGDataToArray(rightEEG, false, 0)),
        Ear_Left: new Float32Array(EEGDataToArray(leftEarEEG, false, 0)),
        Ear_Right: new Float32Array(EEGDataToArray(rightEarEEG, false, 0)),

    if (exportChannelsInOneFile) {
        const exportFolder = GetSessionSubPath(sessionFolderName, "Export_SleepApp"); // project-specific
        fs.mkdirSync(exportFolder, {recursive: true}); // marked recursive, just so doesn't error if folder already exists

        const pack = new EDFPackage({
            patientID: "User_Unknown",
            recordingID: `Folder_${sessionFolderName}`,
            startTime: sessionInfo.startTime,
            chunkDuration: 30, // 30 seconds per chunk
            channelInfos: [
                CreateChannelInfo({name: "Forehead_Left"}),
                CreateChannelInfo({name: "Forehead_Right"}),
                CreateChannelInfo({name: "Ear_Left"}),
                CreateChannelInfo({name: "Ear_Right"}),
            chunks: [],

        const stream = fs.createWriteStream(paths.join(exportFolder, "EEGData.edf"));
        //WriteEDFHeader(pack, stream);

        const samplesPerChunk = pack.channelInfos[0].sampleCountPerChunk;
        for (let chunkI = 0; ; chunkI++) {
            const sampleStartI = chunkI * samplesPerChunk;
            const sampleEndI = sampleStartI + samplesPerChunk;
            if (sampleEndI >= data.Ear_Left.length) break;

            const channelSamples = [] as number[][];
            for (const channel of pack.channelInfos) {
                const samplesForThisChannel = [] as number[];
                for (let i = sampleStartI; i < sampleEndI; i++) {
            const chunk = new Chunk({

            //AppendChunk(chunk, stream, pack.channelInfos);
            console.log(`Wrote chunk ${chunkI}.`);

        WriteEDFPackage(pack, stream);
    } else {
        // channel-per-file exporting example not yet written

function CreateChannelInfo(data: Partial<ChannelInfo>) {
    const data_final = E(
            type: "MuseS",
            dimensions: "unknown",
            physicalMin: -32768,
            physicalMax: 32767,
            digitalMin: -1000,
            digitalMax: 1000,
            prefilteringInfo: "unknown",
            sampleCountPerChunk: 256 * 30,
    return new ChannelInfo(data_final);