
Automated versioning and package publishing tool. Supports semver and calver. Extendible with plugins.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nodeReleaser from '';



Automated versioning and package publishing tool. Supports semver and calver. Extendible with plugins.

NPM npm version npm bundle size npm


releaser is based on git and node.js. Any developer who works with git can use it to automate releasing and publishing process of any project. Here is a summary of what can be done with releaser:

  1. Use semver or calver in your project. New versions computed automatically as you release. This feature based on git tags.
  2. It works in sync with the remote code repositories. Supported git services are Github and Gitlab as you can see in the src/plugins folder.
  3. Automated npm package management. New releases automatically be pushed to npm and updates the version field in package.json file.
  4. Automated docker image publishing. It builds the image with new version number and latest tags and push it to docker hub or any other docker image registry.
  5. Powerful configuration management thanks to convict. Configuration can be load from a file, env vars and cli args at the same time.
  6. Extendible through plugins. You can write a changelog plugin for example that pushes commit messages to a changelog file as you release.


Install it globally:

npm i -g node-releaser

Usage (CLI)

Make sure releaser is available:

releaser --version

Create A Configuration File (.releaser.json)

First, this is the schema to write valid configuration files:

versioning: {
  scheme: {
    doc: 'Versioning scheme. semver or calver.',
    format: String,
    default: 'semver',
    arg: 'versioning-scheme'
  format: {
    doc: 'Calver versioning format.',
    format: String,
    default: '',
    arg: 'versioning-format'
  prefix: {
    doc: 'Tag prefix.',
    format: String,
    default: 'v',
    arg: 'versioning-prefix'
npm: {
  enable: {
    doc: 'Enables npm plugin.',
    format: Boolean,
    default: false,
    arg: 'npm-enable'
  updatePkgJson: {
    doc: 'Updates version number in the package.json file',
    format: Boolean,
    default: false,
    arg: 'npm-updatepkgjson'
  publish: {
    doc: 'Publish on npm.',
    format: Boolean,
    default: false,
    arg: 'npm-publish'
  publishCmdSuffix: {
    doc: 'This will be added to the command "npm publish".',
    format: String,
    default: '',
    arg: 'npm-publishcmdsuffix'
github: {
  enable: {
    doc: 'Enables github plugin.',
    format: Boolean,
    default: false,
    arg: 'github-enable'
  release: {
    doc: 'Make a release on github.',
    format: Boolean,
    default: false,
    arg: 'github-release'
  token: {
    doc: 'Github personel access token.',
    format: String,
    default: '',
    arg: 'github-token'
gitlab: {
  enable: {
    doc: 'Enables gitlab plugin.',
    format: Boolean,
    default: false,
    arg: 'gitlab-enable'
  release: {
    doc: 'Make a release on gitlab.',
    format: Boolean,
    default: false,
    arg: 'gitlab-release'
  token: {
    doc: 'Gitlab personel access token.',
    format: String,
    default: '',
    arg: 'gitlab-token'
docker: {
  enable: {
    doc: 'Enables docker plugin.',
    format: Boolean,
    default: false,
    arg: 'docker-enable'
  user: {
    doc: 'Docker hub user name.',
    format: String,
    default: '',
    arg: 'docker-user'
  repo: {
    doc: 'The name of the repo on docker hub.',
    format: String,
    default: '',
    arg: 'docker-repo'
  registry: {
    doc: 'Container registry host. for example. Default is Docker Hub.',
    format: String,
    default: '',
    arg: 'docker-registry'
  build: {
    path: {
      doc: 'Docker build context.',
      format: String,
      default: '.',
      arg: 'docker-build-path'
cmd: {
  enable: {
    doc: 'Enables command plugin.',
    format: Boolean,
    default: false,
    arg: 'cmd-enable'
  beforePush: {
    doc: 'Shell command that runs before pushing changes to the remote.',
    format: String,
    default: '',
    arg: 'cmd-beforepush'
  afterPush: {
    doc: 'Shell command that runs after pushing changes to the remote.',
    format: String,
    default: '',
    arg: 'cmd-afterpush'

An example .releaser.json file could be:

  "versioning": {
    "scheme": "semver"
  "npm": {
    "enable": true,
    "updatePkgJson": true,
    "publish": true
  "github": {
    "enable": true,
    "release": true

This configuration will:

  1. Generate the next version according to semver scheme,
  2. Prefix the version number with v (because its by default),
  3. Updates package.json's version field (because npm.updatePkgJson enabled),
  4. Push the changes to the remote repository (because github.enabled),
  5. Creates a release on Github (because github.release),
  6. Publishes the package on npm. We didn't specify github.token because we can not put it inside file of course. We will specify it as env var RELEASER_GITHUB_TOKEN=... or a cli arg --github-token.

Running releaser

Releaser only need two things in order to run. The level and commit messages. Level is the version level. major, minor etc. in semver or calendar, calendar.major etc. in calver. Commit messages are one or more -m flags that explain the changes in the codebase in that release.

Look at available commands:

releaser <cmd> [args]

  releaser calendar        [calver] Updates date based on the current date time.
  releaser    [calver] Updates calendar tags and adds modifier tag.
  releaser calendar.alpha  [calver] Updates calendar tags and adds modifier tag.
  releaser calendar.beta   [calver] Updates calendar tags and adds modifier tag.
  releaser calendar.rc     [calver] Updates calendar tags and adds modifier tag.
  releaser dev             [calver] Increments the dev tag.
  releaser alpha           [calver] Increments the alpha tag.
  releaser beta            [calver] Increments the beta tag.
  releaser rc              [calver] Increments the rc tag.
  releaser major           [semver, calver] Increments major tag.
  releaser minor           [semver, calver] Increments minor tag.
  releaser patch           [semver, calver] Increments patch tag.
  releaser       [calver] Increments major tag and adds modifier.
  releaser major.alpha     [calver] Increments major tag and adds modifier.
  releaser major.beta      [calver] Increments major tag and adds modifier.
  releaser major.rc        [calver] Increments major tag and adds modifier.
  releaser       [calver] Increments minor tag and adds modifier.
  releaser minor.alpha     [calver] Increments minor tag and adds modifier.
  releaser minor.beta      [calver] Increments minor tag and adds modifier.
  releaser minor.rc        [calver] Increments minor tag and adds modifier.
  releaser       [calver] Increments patch tag and adds modifier.
  releaser patch.alpha     [calver] Increments patch tag and adds modifier.
  releaser patch.beta      [calver] Increments patch tag and adds modifier.
  releaser patch.rc        [calver] Increments patch tag and adds modifier.
  releaser    [semver] Creates new major version with a dev tag.
  releaser premajor.alpha  [semver] Creates new major version with an alpha tag.
  releaser premajor.beta   [semver] Creates new major version with a beta tag.
  releaser premajor.rc     [semver] Creates new major version with an rc tag.
  releaser    [semver] Creates a new minor version with a dev tag.
  releaser preminor.alpha  [semver] Creates a new minor version with an alpha
  releaser preminor.beta   [semver] Creates a new minor version with a beta tag.
  releaser preminor.rc     [semver] Creates a new minor version with an rc tag.
  releaser    [semver] Creates a new patch version with a dev tag.
  releaser prepatch.alpha  [semver] Creates a new patch version with an alpha
  releaser prepatch.beta   [semver] Creates a new patch version with a beta tag.
  releaser prepatch.rc     [semver] Creates a new patch version with an rc tag.
  releaser prerelease      [semver] Increments the modifier tag.

  --version  Show version number                                       [boolean]
  --help     Show help                                                 [boolean]

Make a release:

releaser major -m "initial release."

Specify multiple messages:

releaser minor -m "fixed something" -m "added something."

Specify a tag as the current tag:

releaser major -m "initial release." --current-tag v3.0.0

Normally, module query git to find the current tag.

Default Plugins

  1. Github: Github plugin is for creating releases on Github.
  2. Gitlab: Gitlab plugin is for creating releases on Gitlab.
  3. npm: Npm plugin can keep the version field in package.json up to date and responsible for publishing packages thorugh npm.
  4. Docker: Docker plugin is for building and pushing docker images to some container registry.
  5. cmd: Command plugin is for executing shell commands before or after running pushing code changes to the remote.

Plugin Development

A template for a plugin:

function myplugin() {
  async function initiated() {
    // triggered when config is ready

  async function beforePush(nextTag) {
    // triggered when the next version computed

  async function afterPush(tag, changelog) {
    // triggered when after git push

  return {
    initiated: initiated,
    beforePush: beforePush,
    afterPush: afterPush

module.exports = myplugin()

This is a minimal setup. All methods have the same special context which is accessible with this:

async function beforePush(nextTag) {
  // triggered when the next version computed

  // context:
    // you can access all config props. this.config.get('github.token') for example
    // a function that returns unprefixed version number. Without "v" for example.
    // a function that return prefixed version number.
    // an object which reads repository data and has some methods. refer to src/modules/git
    // an object that has one method which is generateNextTag

Activating Plugin

Enable and specify the path of the plugin in .releaser.json:

  "myplugin": {
    "enable": true,
    "path": "./devops/releaser-plugins/myplugin.js",
    "someOtherOption": "yes"

Run the releaser as usual, that's all.

Version management of this repository done by releaser 🚀

Thanks for watching 🐬
