
A module that extends node-sass by supporting the imports of cross-language design tokens

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nodeSassTokenImporter from '';


Node Sass Token Importer

This package extends Patrick Mowrer's node-sass-json-importer.

A token importer for node-sass that allows the importing of .ts, .js, .json and .json5 files within Sass.



This package hooks into the node-sass importer api.

// Make sure all `peerDependencies` are correctly installed in `node_modules`
var sass = require('node-sass');
var tokenImporter = require('node-sass-token-importer');

// Example 1
  file: scss_filename,
  importer: tokenImporter(),
  [, options..]
}, function(err, result) {

// Example 2
var result = sass.renderSync({
  data: scss_content
  importer: [tokenImporter(), someOtherImporter]
  [, options..]

node-sass CLI

To run this using node-sass CLI, point --importer to your installed node-sass-token-importer, for example:

# Make sure all `peerDependencies` are correctly installed in `node_modules`
./node_modules/.bin/node-sass --importer node_modules/node-sass-token-importer/dist/cli.js --recursive ./src --output ./dist

Webpack / sass-loader

import tokenImporter from 'node-sass-token-importer';

// Webpack config
export default {
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.scss$/,
        use: [
            loader: 'sass-loader',
            options: {
              // Apply the JSON importer via sass-loader's options.
              sassOptions: {
                importer: tokenImporter(),

ES Modules

To enable ES Module transpilation rename your webpack.config.js file to webpack.config.babel.js.


To enable TypeScript transpilation rename your webpack.config.js file to webpack.config.babel.ts.


Importing strings

Since JSON doesn't map directly to Sass's data types, a common source of confusion is how to handle strings. While Sass allows strings to be both quoted and unquoted, strings containing spaces, commas and/or other special characters have to be wrapped in quotes. In terms of JSON, this means the string has to be double quoted:

  "description": "A sentence with spaces."
  "description": "'A sentence with spaces.'"

Importing .ts and/or .js Files

You can also import .js and .ts files. This way you can use TypeScript or JavaScript to compose and export your tokens.

// Example 1
const colorBrandPrimary = '#f0f';
const colorBrandSecondary = '#ff0';

module.exports = {
// Example 2
const colorBrandPrimary: string = '#f0f';
const colorBrandSecondary: string = '#ff0';

const tokens: Record<string, string> = {

export {
  tokens as default,

 * Please Note:
 * Default exports inherit the file's name in kebab-case format (instead of
 * $default). For example, if the source above was stored in a file named
 * 'tokens.ts' the default export will be assigned to $tokens in your Sass
 * environment.
 * This behaviour is to avoid consecutive imports overwriting what is assigned
 * to the $default variable.

Custom resolver

Should you care to resolve paths, say, starting with ~/ relative to project root or some other arbitrary directory, you can do so as follows:

json/tokens.json file:

  "body-margin": 0

styles.scss file:

@import '~/tokens.json';

body {
  margin: $body-margin;
var path = require('path');
var sass = require('node-sass');
var tokenImporter = require('../dist/node-sass-token-importer');

    file: './styles.scss',
    importer: tokenImporter({
      resolver: function (dir, url) {
        return url.startsWith('~/')
          ? path.resolve(dir, 'json', url.substr(2))
          : path.resolve(dir, url);
  function (err, result) {
    console.log(err || result.css.toString());

camelCase to kebab-case

If you want to convert camelCase keys into CSS/SCSS compliant kebab-case keys, for example:

tokens.json file:

  "bgBackgroundColor": "#0ff"

For usage like so:

styles.scss file:

@import 'tokens.json';

div {
  background: $bg-background-color;

You can set the convertCase option to true as an argument in tokenImporter like so:

    file: './styles.scss',
    importer: tokenImporter({
      convertCase: true,
  function (err, result) {
    console.log(err || result.css.toString());
./node_modules/.bin/node-sass --importer node_modules/node-sass-token-importer/dist/cli.js --convertCase --recursive ./src --output ./dist