
Utility for Node.js to work with 802.11 interfaces

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nodeWifiTools from '';


Node Wifi Tools

Utility for Node.js to work with 802.11 interfaces


You can use node-wifi-tools as either a standalone "executable" or as an npm module.


Install node-wifi-tools into your project.

npm install node-wifi-tools --save

You can now use it in your project.

var co       = require('co')
  , nw_tools = require('node-wifi-tools')

co(function*() {

  var info = yield nw_tools.get_info();

  console.log(JSON.stringify(info, null, 2));


Install node-wifi-tools globally on your system

npm install node-wifi-tools -g

The command node-wifi-tools has been added to your global node_modules/ directory and a link to bin/node-wifi-tools has been added to your $PATH.


You can run the included test suite with the following command.

npm test

Supported Systems

  • Mac OSX
  • Linux (with nm-tool)
  • Windows