
This module will wrap functionality to compile and execute junit testcases created for XLT.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nodeXlt from '';



NodeJS support for Xceptance LoadTest.


npm install node-xlt --save-dev


var xlt = require('node-xlt');

// adjust this path to your local installation of Xlt xlt.setOptions({pathToXLT: '../xlt-4.6.2'});

// you can also use our download feature if you have no installation of Xlt xlt.downloadXlt();

// the next step would be to check if you have java installed xlt.javaVersion(function (err, res) { console.log(res); });

// to check if all needed folders are available you can call the following console.log("Everything is fine: " +xlt.checkPrerequisites());

// before you can run the test cases you have to compile them xlt.compileAllTestCases();

// now you can run them all xlt.runAllTestCases();

// or you can call a single test case (you need to provide the path and name) xlt.runSingleTestCase('tests.demo.TVisitXceptance');

// if running your test suite take to much time and you tests are independent of each other you can call them in a parallel mode xlt.runAllTestCasesParallel({xltWebDriver: "chrome"}, function(res){console.log("All tests run without errors: " + res)});

// you can remove all the data created from compiling and the test runs


npm test