xml compare is node.js package to compare two xml strings, and generate their differences as a html encoded string sothat it could be directly duped into a code block in an html page.
xml compare is built on top of sax-js. sax-js.
It can be installed via.
npm install node-xml-compare
To use this just pass the xml strings you want to compare into the xmlcompare variable.
var xmlcompare = require('node-xml-compare');
xml1 = "<sample><a>1</a><a>2</a><a>4</a><b>4</b></sample>";
xml2 = "<sample><a>2</a><a>1</a><a>3</a><c>3</c></sample>";
xmlcompare(xml1, xml2, function(result) {
//render result[-] to html page to show the xml1 nodes that are not in xml2
//render result[+] to html page to show the xml2 nodes that are not in xml1