
Displays a confirm box with a 'not safe for work' warning when entering in a specific category.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nodebbPluginNsfw from '';


NSFW (Not Safe For Work) Category Plugin for NodeBB 1.x.x

A simple plugin NodeBB that displays a confirm box with a 'not safe for work' warning when entering in a specific category.


Dependencies :

This plugin does not require any special dependency. This only uses pure JavaScript and a bit of jQuery. It also uses some FontAwesome icons for a better design. But with all this already in NodeBB by default, there are no dependencies to install beforehand, in order to use this plugin.

Setup :

  • Install and enable this plugin on the ACP "Plugins" page;
  • Restart and rebuild your NodeBB;
  • Done.

Config :

The default category ID is 28. I will make this customizable in the future if you need to change it or add more categories, for now it's necessary to fork this repository and change the array nsfwCategoriesIds in the file main.js itself. Feel free to also change the messages and the actions that the confirm buttons does.

To-Do List :

  • Add a config page on ACP to change script variables;
  • Add support for more than one category;
  • Set a cooldown to avoid display the confirm every time.

Changelog :

v1.1.0 (14/01/2019)

  • Added support to choose more than one NSFW category.

v1.0.0 (13/01/2019)

  • Initial version.

Thanks to for the original snippet.