When developing API based application in NodeJS, it is not easy to set it up as easy as possible. The application include but not limited to applications build using Express, Sails.js, kemboijs, Koa.js, hapi, AdonisJS, Nest.js etc. We decided to build this library/utility to help faster set up your API based application. In the fisrt release, We will focus on supporting Express, but will improve on other frameworks and also nodejs itself without use of frameworks. Also, we will aim at building utility that can enhance faster development of upcoming applications i.e creating controllers, services, models or middlewares. In the future, we will also help in fixing issues such as migrations and help with a little debugging.
How to use
- Install:
npm i -g nodejs-api-cli
- Create app:
nodejs-api-cli init
- Follow the steps and select your options
- Run app:
npm start
- Drop tables:
npm run drop:Tables
- Create tables:
npm run create:Tables
- Run tests:
npm test
NB: Make sure all dependancies are installed. npm install
NB: When installing make sure you have admin priviledges otherwise, you will have to use sudo npm i -g nodejs-api-cli
- Get help
nodejs-api-cli -h
ornodejs-api-cli help
- Get version of app
nodejs-api-cli -v
ornodejs-api-cli version
- run:
npm run start:dev
- build:
npm run build
- production:
npm start
NB: For production
purpose testing, be sure to do build first, which generates a folder named lib/
that is ignored
NB: During development
, if you need help or run an app test use the following:
- help:
npm run start:dev -- -h
- version:
npm run start:dev -- -v
- create-app-development:
npm run start:dev init
To check if production works when developing: Run-
- build:
npm run build
- create-app-production:
npm start init
Edit Database/.env details
The app generates .env
file, where you need to edit its credentials
DATABASE_URL = "postgres://";
TEST_DB = "postgres://";
NODE_ENV = "development";
You can now create, drop any database models. The created models is User, under src/models/user.js
Noted Items
- License added is default
. You can change it insidemy-app-name/package.json
and also addLICENSE
file. - Repository is assumed to be of type
and itsurl
left blank for you to set insidemy-app-name/package.json
- Also, feel free to modify or remove some items to meet your expectation/demand
Folder Structure (More updates expected)
├── src
│ ├─ config
| ├─ index.js
│ ├─ controllers
| ├─ index.js
| ├─ user.js
| ├─ helpers
| ├─ index.js
| ├─ responsehandler.js
│ ├─ middlewares
| ├─ index.js
| ├─ user.js
│ ├─ models
| ├─ index.js
| ├─ setup.js
| ├─ user.js
| └─ routes
| ├─ index.js
| ├─ user.js
| └─ scripts
| ├─ create-tables.js
| ├─ drop-tables.js
| ├─ index.js
| └─ services
| ├─ index.js
| ├─ user.js
| └─ index.js
├── tests
│ ├─ controllers
│ ├─ index.js
│ ├─ user.js
│ ├─ middlewares
│ ├─ index.js
│ ├─ routes
│ ├─ index.js
│ └─ index.js
└── .env
└── .envexample
└── .gitignore
└── package.json
How To Contribute
In general, we follow the "fork-and-pull" Git workflow.
- Fork this repo on GitHub
- Clone the forked repo locally
- Work on your fork
- Make your changes and additions
- Change or add tests if needed
- Add changes to if needed
- Commit changes to your own branch
- Make sure you merge the latest from "upstream" and resolve conflicts if there is any
- Push your work back up to your fork
- Submit a Pull request so that we can review your changes