New reliable nodejs module for sending notifications via apns. Main advantages :
- first reliable module with in time status report
- faster than any other apns module
- robust
- bulk messages
Because of current modules that are slow and unreliable I needed to make a new one. After testing and putting this module in production I wanted to share it. Using the module is very simple:
1) Create new object with certificates
var certData = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE...END CERTIFICATE-----";
var objectCert = {
certData : certData,
keyData : keyData
var sender = new (require('./index')).SenderApns(objectCert, true);
Enter certificate in “certData” and private key in “keyData”. If using development mode use “false” as second argument.
2) Create notifications and tokens
var apnsMessage1 = {
expiry : 0,
_id : "1asd1231"
var apnsMessage2 = {
expiry : 0,
_id : "1asd1231"
apnsMessage1.payload = apnsMessage2.payload = {
'aps': {"badge" : "123", "alert" : "Test it bulk", "sound" : "default"}
var tokens = ["32 length token", "32 length token"];
var apnsMessages = [apnsMessage1, apnsMessage1];
3) Send notificationsa and receive result status report
sender.sendThroughApns(apnsMessages, tokens,
function Success (resultStatusArray) { console.log(resultStatusArray); },
function (error) { console.log(error); }
Enter the tokens in the tokens array. Messages for sending are a JSON array containing:
* _id -> notification id
* expiry -> set 0 to disable or UNIX epoch date expressed in seconds
* payload -> data for sending
iOS phone will use these fields from payload:
* aps.alert -> notification text; if not set the notification will not be shown
* aps.sound -> prior to use, set to 'default'
* aps.badge -> number
Result status report
[ { token: '1.token',
status: 0,
_id: '1asd1231' },
{ token: '2.token',
status: 8,
_id: '1asd1231' }]
The status report contains:
* _id -> notification id
* token
* status -> 0 for success, 7 for too long payload, 8 for invalid token, 9 for invalid notification
The magic
This module doesn't use timeouts or q or anything similar. It uses the apns error report for finding the last notification sent and thus confirming the reception of all prior notifications.