
My first npm library

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nodejsHelloWorldLibrary from '';


Create npm library and publish to npm repository

  1. Create js script with your name what you want, but in this article i use index.js. On this file you put your library process in here
  2. Push into your git repository, this is important because npm repository will read the syntax from here.
  3. Generate your package.json using command npm init and follow the step.
### Input your package name, if you put blank as default will set name as your folder project name
package name: (nodejs-hello-world-library)

### Input your version, if you put blank as default will set version as in display
version: (1.0.0)

### Input your description, if you put blank it will blank description

### Input your entry point, it will set your root js 
entry point: (index.js)

### Git repository, it just show your repository
git repository: (

### Information about the author 
  1. Add npm user using npm adduser
  2. Publish your npm library using npm publish
  3. Install the library on your project npm install nodejs-hello-world-library@1.0.0
  4. Test it in your npm project
var test = require('nodejs-hello-world-library');
