
A nodejs library to fetch stock info that doesn't require subscribing to any API calls.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nodejsStockInfo from '';


NodeJS Stock Info

Build Status Known Vulnerabilities codecov license: MIT Maintainability npm version

A minimal NodeJS library to fetch stock info.

Disclaimer: This package fetch the result from using web scrapping. Owner will not be responsible for any misuse of this package. This is solely for the purpose of learning.

Getting started


This package can be installed using npm

npm install nodejs-stock-info

or, yarn

yarn add nodejs-stock-info


Import stock-info.

const SI = require('nodejs-stock-info')

Then instantiate with either the empty constructor

let stockInfo = new SI()

Or, with a string or list of strings corresponding to the stock e.g. "amzn" or ["amzn", "aapl"]

let stockInfo = new SI("amzn")
// or
let stockInfo = new SI(["amzn", "aapl"])

The getStockInfo method will return the latest stock information and can be used as a promise.

stockInfo.getStockInfo().then((response) => {
    console.log(response) //or do something else

Chaining is also supported.

stockInfo.setStocks("tsla").getStockInfo().then((response) => {
    console.log(response) //or do something else


If any issues are found, they can be reported here.


This project is licensed under the MIT license.