nodejs4xpcom (n4x)
(or n4x
) is an XPCOM plugin (for Firefox, Thunderbird,
etc) that provides an AMD-compatible Node.JS module loader.
First, this plugin must be installed in the XPCOM application
(Firefox, Thunderbird, etc). Then, the following code snippet will
allow you to require
or define
dependencies to Node.JS modules
that have been installed into the standard npm node_modules
For example, the following makes use of the underscore module:
let require = nodejs.make_require(__LOCATION__);
let _ = require('underscore');
let squares =[3, 6, 12], function(i){ return i*i; }));
// result: squares == [9, 36, 144]
loads Node.JS modules as if they were standard JavaScript
scripts. Many modules, however, make use of other modules that are
provided by the Node.JS environment, such as fs
and util
, and
therefore cannot be loaded by XPCOM. In order to provide that
functionality, an adapter for each of those system modules must be
created. Here is a summary of that effort for each of the system
modules for Node.JS version 0.8.17:
Module | Support | Module | Support | Module | Support | Module | Support |
assert | 20% | fs | 0% | process | 0% | tls | 0% |
buffer | 0% | globals | 10% | punycode | 0% | tty | 0% |
child_process | 0% | http | 0% | querystring | 0% | dgram | 0% |
cluster | 0% | https | 0% | readline | 0% | url | 0% |
crypto | 0% | modules | 0% | repl | 0% | util | 0% |
dns | 0% | net | 0% | stdio | 10% | vm | 0% |
domain | 0% | os | 0% | stream | 0% | zlib | 0% |
events | 0% | path | 0% | string_decoder | 0% |
These adapter packages will be implemented on an as-needed by the maintainers basis; if you need one before we do, you are encouraged to implement it and issue a pull-request: these will be accepted quickly.