
Restart Node.js process on required modules change.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nodemand from '';


NPM Package

🙅‍ Nodemand

Restart Node.js process on required modules change.

A light-weight alternative to tools like nodemon and node-dev, watches module files found in ESMLoader after start and no modification is made to the runtime objects.

It supports both ES module and CommonJS.


yarn global add nodemand
# or
npm install --global nodemand


nodemand [options] <module-path> [...args]
# example
nodemand server.js


  • --debounce <delay> Debounce restart after change detection, defaults to 1000.
  • --node-modules Watch also files under node_modules (symbolic links will be resolved before filtering).
  • --color, --no-color Force color or no color in console output.
  • Other Node.js command line options.


  • It won't be able to know a CommonJS module if it failed to load at the beginning. This means if you have a CommonJS module with something like a syntax error at the first run, it will not be watched.


MIT License.