
utils for NodeRed & HA

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import noderedHaUtils from '';



What is the purpose of this package?

To provide easy means for sharing and reusing code snippets and functionalities common to Node Red & Home Assistant for Smart Home use case.

Adding this package to your Node Red installation

  • Execute the following to install the package, while in the directory that contains settings.json:

    npm i nodered-ha-utils@latest

    If you are running Node Red in Docker container, first login into it before installing, using:

    docker exec -it <NodeRedContainerName> /bin/bash

    Use docker ps to find the container name.

  • Edit your settings.json file in Node Red directory

  • Find the key functionGlobalContext and add this package:

        functionGlobalContext: {
            // ...
            // ...
  • Restart Node Red

Using the package

In any Function node, simply import the function you want to use, or the entire package:

// This will import the entire package
const myUtils = global.get('myUtils');
// Use it like this:
const onEntities = myUtils.getOnEntitiesInRoom(roomStateObj, keys);
// Or, you can import only the util you need
const { getOnEntitiesInRoom } = global.get('myUtils');
// Use it like this:
const onEntities = getOnEntitiesInRoom(roomStateObj, keys);


So, you want to contribute your own utils? So glad to hear!

  • Please see the contribution guide for guidelines.
  • Please fork the repository, add your own code and submit a PR for review.
  • powered by np for npm publishing