
Checksum calculator for Nodestream

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nodestreamTransformChecksum from '';


Nodestream - Checksum Transform

NPM Version Build Status Coverage Status Documentation Status Built with GNU Make

Checksum calculator for Nodestream

Identity:: checksum

API docs


This transformer allows you to calculate checksums of the files you upload/download with Nodestream. It can also be used as a standalone library, although it does not provide much in addition to the standard crypto APIs.



npm install --save nodestream-transform-checksum


You need to register this tranform with Nodestream before you can use it:

// Assuming you already have a nodestream instance configured with an adapter

Now you can create a pipeline which will use this transform:

const pipeline = nodestream.pipeline()
  .use('checksum', {
    algorithm: 'md5',
    buffer: false

The transform accepts two options:

  • algorithm: Which hashing algorithm should be used. This can be anything that crypto.getHashes() shows on your system.
  • buffer: By default, the resulting hash will be returned as hex string. Set this to true to get the actual raw buffer instead.


This transform will publish its data to the checksum property (this transform's identity) on the results response:

// Uploads
const file = fs.createReadStream('/users/me/profile-pic.png')
pipeline.upload(file, { name: 'avatar.png' })
.then(results => {
  results.checksum.value // The actual hash
  results.checksum.algorithm // The algorithm used

// Downloads
const dest = fs.createWriteStream('/users/me/profile-pic.png')'avatars/user-123.png', dest)
.then(results => {
  results.checksum.value // The actual hash
  results.checksum.algorithm // The algorithm used


This software is licensed under the BSD-3-Clause License. See the LICENSE file for more information.