
NOODL JavaScript library

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import noodlUi from '';



React library for NOODL on the client side

NPM JavaScript Style Guide


npm install --save noodl-ui

Action triggers

  • onClick
Event handler data types (outdated)
  • string: Provide our own custom function
  • Array: Provide our own custom function
    • It represents a chain of actions
    • Each action in the action chain can have these possible actionTypes:
      1. builtIn - Provide our own function and logic to achieve the goal
      2. ecosConnection - Communicating with the eCOS
      3. pageJump - Navigating to a page
      4. updateObject - Updates the global root object afer receiving its data

YAML Document Node Interfaces

Name TS type YAML Node
Action chain (key/value) { [key: string]: ActionObject[] } YAMLPair
Action chain ActionObject[] YAMLSeq
Action object ActionObject YAMLMap

Custom integrations

  • Some components are attached with the prop data-ux for UX interactions between the library and web apps


- textAlign: centerX
{ "textAlign": "center" }