
Be notified at the end of long running commands.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import notee from '';



Be notified at the end of long running commands.

Notee yarn install

How to install

  • Homebrew
brew install yoannmoinet/brews/notee
  • Yarn v1
yarn global add notee
  • NPM
npm install -g notee

How to use

Simply prefix your commands with n to get a notification once it completes.

n git clone


Stuff that I don't know how to implement but would love to see in Notee.

  • waiting for input

Being able to detect when the child process is waiting for an input, we could proxy this input to the notification.

  • out of focus

If we could detect when the terminal is out of focus, we could choose to show or not the notification.