A fast Node.js implementation of the latest MessagePack spec

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import notepackIo from '';



Build Status Coverage Status

A fast Node.js implementation of the latest MessagePack spec.


  • This implementation is not backwards compatible with those that use the older spec. It is recommended that this library is only used in isolated systems.
  • undefined is encoded as fixext 1 [0, 0], i.e. <Buffer d4 00 00>
  • Date objects are encoded as fixext 8 [0, ms], e.g. new Date('2000-06-13T00:00:00.000Z') => <Buffer d7 00 00 00 00 df b7 62 9c 00>
  • ArrayBuffer are encoded as ext 8/16/32 [0, data], e.g. Uint8Array.of(1, 2, 3, 4) => <Buffer c7 04 00 01 02 03 04>


npm install


var notepack = require('');

var encoded = notepack.encode({ foo: 'bar'}); // <Buffer 81 a3 66 6f 6f a3 62 61 72>
var decoded = notepack.decode(encoded); // { foo: 'bar' }


A browser version of notepack is also available (2.0 kB minified/gzipped)

<script src=""></script>
  console.log(notepack.decode(notepack.encode([1, '2', new Date()])));
  // [1, "2", Thu Dec 08 2016 00:00:01 GMT+0100 (CET)]


Performance is currently comparable to msgpack-node (which presumably needs optimizing and suffers from JS-native overhead) and is significantly faster than other implementations. Several micro-optimizations are used to improve the performance of short string and Buffer operations.

The ./benchmarks/run output on my machine is:

$ node -v
$ ./benchmarks/run
Encoding (this will take a while):
|                            │ tiny              │ small           │ medium         │ large         |
| notepack                   │ 2,187,481 ops/sec │ 510,581 ops/sec │ 39,187 ops/sec │ 231 ops/sec   |
| msgpack-js                 │ 111,209 ops/sec   │ 95,346 ops/sec  │ 9,896 ops/sec  │ 121 ops/sec   |
| msgpack-lite               │ 524,993 ops/sec   │ 195,466 ops/sec │ 18,269 ops/sec │ 242 ops/sec   |
| @msgpack/msgpack           │ 723,885 ops/sec   │ 292,447 ops/sec │ 30,438 ops/sec │ 80.26 ops/sec |
| JSON.stringify (to Buffer) │ 1,359,120 ops/sec │ 335,024 ops/sec │ 15,721 ops/sec │ 25.97 ops/sec |
Decoding (this will take a while):
|                          │ tiny              │ small           │ medium         │ large         |
| notepack                 │ 3,165,012 ops/sec │ 642,348 ops/sec │ 32,173 ops/sec │ 249 ops/sec   |
| msgpack-js               │ 1,255,151 ops/sec │ 280,944 ops/sec │ 24,396 ops/sec │ 243 ops/sec   |
| msgpack-lite             │ 667,059 ops/sec   │ 144,927 ops/sec │ 11,922 ops/sec │ 175 ops/sec   |
| @msgpack/msgpack         │ 1,760,026 ops/sec │ 353,698 ops/sec │ 18,816 ops/sec │ 45.68 ops/sec |
| JSON.parse (from Buffer) │ 1,750,845 ops/sec │ 407,212 ops/sec │ 24,999 ops/sec │ 35.77 ops/sec |
* Note that JSON is provided as an indicative comparison only
