
TypeScript SDK to communicate with Aasaanjobs Notification Hub and send notifications to users.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import notificationHubJsSdk from '';


Typescript Aasaanjobs NotificationHub Client

Typescript SDK to communicate with Aasaanjobs Notification Hub and send notifications to users.

Supported Notification Channels

  • Short Messaging Service (SMS)
  • Email
  • WhatsApp
  • Mobile Push (FCM)


npm install <package-name>

Local Testing

Export environment variable as shown in the sample notification below. And run -

npm run test


Log in to npm account on local using -

npm login

To publish a beta version for dev testing or QA -

Update the version in package.json to <version>-beta.<number>. And run -

npm publish --tag beta

To publish a release version, update version in package.json to actual release version and run -

npm publish


Each notification is referred to as Task in this library. A single Task can contain multiple channels, i.e., a single Task can contain both Email and WhatsApp notification data. This Task is then validated via Protocol Buffers and pushed to corresponding Notification Hub Amazon SQS queue.

SQS Options Interface - It needs to be configured with appropriate options for the type of notification to be sent.

interface ISQSOptions {
    queueUrl?: string
    marketingQueueUrl?: string
    otpQueueUrl?: string
    accessKeyId: string
    secretAccessKey: string
    region?: string

Task Interface - To add notification task for each channel.

interface ITasks {
    email?: EmailTask
    sms?: SMSTask
    whatsapp?: WhatsAppTask
    push?: PushTask

Task Constructor - Available options to initialize the Task object.

    sqsOptions: ISQSOptions,
    name: string,
    sentById: string,
    client: string,
    platform: NotificationTask.Platform,
    messageType: NotificationTask.MessageType,
    tasks: ITasks,
    waterfallType?: NotificationTask.WaterfallMode

Sample Notification Task to send an SMS:

import { uuid } from 'uuidv4'
import { Task, ISQSOptions, ITasks, SMSTask, Platform, MessageType, WaterfallMode, Waterfall } from 'notification-hub-js-sdk'

let template = ""
let mobile = "1234567890"
let userId = uuid().toString()
let waterfall = new Waterfall()
let sms = new SMSTask(template, mobile, userId, waterfall)

let sqsOptions: ISQSOptions = {
    queueUrl: process.env.QUEUE_URL || "",
    marketingQueueUrl: process.env.MARKETING_QUEUE_URL || "",
    otpQueueUrl: process.env.OTP_QUEUE_URL || "",
    accessKeyId: process.env.SQS_ACCESS_KEY || "",
    secretAccessKey: process.env.SQS_SECRET_KEY || "",
    region: process.env.SQS_REGION

let name = "Test SMS"
let sentById = uuid().toString()
let client = "JS SDK Test Client"
let platform = Platform.OLXPEOPLE
let messageType = MessageType.MARKETING
let waterfallType = WaterfallMode.AUTO

let tasks: ITasks = {
    sms: getSMSTask()

let task = new Task(sqsOptions, name, sentById, client, platform, messageType, tasks, waterfallType)


Each application which uses this library must configure Amazon SQS configurations to successfully send notification task to Hub.

interface ISQSOptions {
    queueUrl?: string
    marketingQueueUrl?: string
    otpQueueUrl?: string
    accessKeyId: string
    secretAccessKey: string
    region?: string

For Transactional notifications queueUrl should be provided.

For Marketing notifications marketingQueueUrl should be provided.

For OTP notifications otpQueueUrl should be provided.

SQS options accessKeyId, secretAccessKey, region are required.