1. Defining a new Schema
module.exports = {
/* CRUD */
created: (noun) =>`successfully created new ${noun}!`,
create_failed: (noun) =>`faild to create new ${noun}!`,
updated: (noun) =>`successfully updated ${noun}!`,
update_faild: (noun) =>`faild to update ${noun}!`,
deleted: (noun) =>`successfully deleted ${noun}!`,
delete_faild: (noun) =>`faild to delete ${noun}!`,
2. Initialize Notis
const { Notis, schema, notisexpress, cargoexpress } = require('notis')
const notis = new Notis(schema.join())
3. note()
note returns a message obeject.
const inform = notis('names','david', 'info')
inform: {
state: 'info',
lang: 'zh',
timeout: 30,
message: '你好david!'
4. validation
alerts is an object that has a load() and render() method.
for(let item of list){
const {code, data, label} = item
notis.load(code, data, label)
- output:
validation: {
state: 'validation',
messages: [
{ message: '你好some-name!', key: 'username' },
{ message: 'some-password有误!', key: 'password' }
5. Express Middleware Example
Note: if you wish to set the langue you will have set a lang property on your request object before instantiating notis.
// mount on express app
// app.use(config) this route is used to set req.lang to your lang choice on each request.
- note()
// accessing in express route
const SomeExpressRoute = async (req, res, next) => {
const message = req.notis('invalid', 'username')
- output:
state: 'error',
lang: 'en',
timeout: 6000,
message: 'invalid username!'
- validation()
// accessing in express route
const SomeExpressRoute = async (req, res, next) => {
for(let errof errors){
req.notis.laod(, err.label, err.key)
- output:
"state": "validation",
"status": 422,
"messages": [
"key": "miln",
"message": "name is already in use!"
"key": "miln",
"message": "name is already in use!"