
Now NodeJS Order Management ======

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nownzOrderManagement from '';


Now NodeJS Order Management

In the Terminal:

git clone

In IntelliJ IDEA, File->Import Project..., choose nownz-order-management folder

Then run

npm install -g coffee-script bower bunyan gulp
npm install

npm start

Start scripts

The following would usually just be run locally as npm run [start|environment] use gulp internally which usually wouldn't be on the production machine

Gulp is probably installed if using Heroku as we build before starting This may not apply to other deployments


npm start


npm run local


npm run development

Quality Assurance

npm run quality


npm run production

Production - Non gulp

NOW_ENV=prod coffee service/

General - Non gulp

NOW_ENV=prod|qual|dev|local coffee service/

Unit testing

To run server side unit tests

npm test


gulp test 

To run client side unit tests

gulp test:karma 


docker build --tag nownz/nownz-order-management .
docker run nownz/nownz-order-management


To add Heroku remotes to your repository use

heroku git:remote -r heroku --app nownz-<project_name>-<environment>

For example

heroku git:remote -r heroku-dev --app nownz-order-management-dev


heroku git:remote -r heroku-qual --app nownz-order-management-qual

Once you have a remote simply push to it

git push heroku-dev master

Overall Directory Structure

At a high level, the structure looks roughly like this:

  |- config/
  |- service/
  |- src/
  |- vendor/
  |- tasks/
  |- .bowerrc
  |- .npmrc
  |- .dockercfg
  |- bower.json
  |- build.config.js
  |- Gulpfile.js
  |- module.prefix
  |- module.suffix
  |- package.json
  |- boilerplate@.service
  |- Dockerfile

What follows is a brief description of each entry, but most directories contain their own file with additional documentation, so browse around to learn more.

  • config/ - Configuration of our application
  • service/ - Node back-end code
  • src/ - Browser front-end code
  • vendor/ - third-party libraries. Bower will install packages here. Anything added to this directory will need to be manually added to build.config.js and karma/karma-unit.js to be picked up by the build system.
  • tasks/ - All our build scripts lay here.
  • .bowerrc - the Bower configuration file. This tells Bower to install components into the vendor/ directory.
  • .npmrc - the NPM configuration file.
  • bower.json - this is our project configuration for Bower and it contains the list of Bower dependencies we need.
  • build.config.js - our customizable build settings
  • Gulpfile.js - Bootstrap so we can use CoffeeScript for out build scripts
  • - Our build script
  • module.prefix and module.suffix - our compiled application script is wrapped in these, which by default are used to place the application inside a self-executing anonymous function to ensure no clashes with other libraries.
  • package.json - metadata about the app, used by NPM and our build script. Our NPM dependencies are listed here.


We have used UNLICENSED in the package as we do not wish to grant others the right to use our module

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