Install to get npm-audit-whitelister
./node_modules/.bin/npm-audit-whitelister .npmaudit.whitelist.json
Or in package.json script
"audit": "npm-audit-whitelister .npmaudit.whitelist.json",
Environment args
This uses environment variables to pass args.
NPM_AUDIT_IGNORE_DEV=1 # This will ignore any alerts on devDependencies
NPM_AUDIT_IGNORE_LEVEL=moderate # Anything below this level is ignored
# Possible values are low|moderate|high|critical
CMD_MAX_BUFFER=1073741824 # This will extend the internal npm audit output internally to 1 GB
# Use when you get a json parse error, it might help
Whitelist file format
PACKAGE-REGEX can be a package dependency string or a regex string. It must not have a : in it.
VULNCODE must be a number for the advisoryID.
All three of the below whitelist entries are varying ways of doing the same package.
- exact
- any instance where yargs-parser has vuln 1500
- any dependency of import-sort-cli that has vuln 1500