An assemblage of delightfully tiny and/or absurd npm packages
- alphabet: The english alphabet as a string or array, upper and lowercase.
- animals: Get animals
- aristotle: turns your browsers cursor into aristotle the cat if you enter the konami code
- cat-names: Get popular cat names
- connectivity: Detect if the network is up (do we have connectivity?)
- cool-ascii-faces: get some cool ascii faces ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
- dog-names: Get popular dog names
- gcd: compute the greatest common divisor using euclid's algorithm
- is-power-of-two: whether a number is power of two
- max-safe-integer: ES6 Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER ponyfill
- no-op: one no-op function to rule them all
- noncharacters: 34 non-character code points (labeled <not a character>), that are set aside and guaranteed to never be used for a character. Perfect to use for placeholders or temporary replacements during string transformations.
- schemeless: Remove the parts of URLs that humans don't really need to see
- superheroes: Get superhero names
- supervillains: Get supervillain names