
This is similar to nodemon

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import npmRoscoemon from '';


(Super) Micro HTML Templates

Uses JavaScript string interpolation to parse template literals (template strings) to HTML, and vice versa.


Download or clone this repo then install with your package manager. yarn add html-micro-templates or npm i html-micro-templates


Import the package into your code

var microHTML = require('html-micro-templates')


import microHTML from 'html-micro-templates'


String -> HTML

To generate HTML elements from template strings, use the stringToElement function.

const stringToConvert = 'There should be a ${buttonElement} here.'

    string: stringToConvert, // The string to parse
    value: 'Button Text', // The inner HTML of the element
    }, 'button' // The element to generate

// returns the following:
// There should be a <button class='variable buttonElement'>Button Text</button> here.

HTML -> String

You can parse HTML to extact template strings based on the elements' class by using the elementToString function.

const htmlToConvert = `There should be a <button class='variable buttonElement'>Button Text</button>
here, and a <section class='variable sectionElement'>section</section> here.`


// returns the following:
//'There should be a ${buttonElement} here, and a ${sectionElement} here.'

Extract Literals from HTML

The parseHTML function will return an array of template strings.

const htmlToConvert = `<span class='variable spanElement'>There should be a 
<button class='variable buttonElement'>Button Text</button> here.</span>`


// returns the following:
// ["spanElement", "buttonElement"]

Optionally, you can pass true to the second parameter of the parseHTML function, and it will return the template strings with the standard JavaScript template delimiters.

microHTML.parseHTML(htmlToConvert, true)

// returns the following:
// ["${spanElement}", "${buttonElement}"]