
sdk for connecting Nubian Coven Contracts.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nubianCovenSdk from '';


Nubian Coven SDK

The official Nubain Coven Software Development Kit (SDK) for JavaScript, available for browsers and Node.js backends.


To get started, install the nubian coven SDK package from npm:

npm install nubian-coven-sdk


To enable web3 calls via SDK, instantiate web3 library

// in browser
if (window.ethereum) {
  window.web3 = new Web3(window.ethereum)
} else if (window.web3) {
  window.web3 = new Web3(window.web3.currentProvider)
} else {
  window.web3 = new Web3(customProvider)
// in nodejs
const Web3 = require('web3')
const NUB = require('nubian-coven-sdk')
const web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(ETH_NODE_URL))

Now instantiate NUB with web3 instance.

// in browser
const nub = new NUB(web3)

// in nodejs
const nub = new NUB({
  web3: web3,
  mode: 'node',
  privateKey: PRIVATE_KEY,

Casting Spells

Spells denotes a sequence of connector functions that will achieve a given use case. Spells can comprise any number of functions across any number of connectors.

With this SDK, performing DeFi operations on your dapp consists of creating a spells instance to add transactions. Here is where you can initiate complex transactions amongst different protocols.

Create an instance:

let spells = nub.Spell()

Add spells that you want to execute. Think of any action, and by just adding new SPELLS, you can wonderfully CAST transactions across protocols. Let's try to execute the following actions:

  1. Deposit 1 BNB in Venus protocol.
  2. Borrow 100 USDC from Venus.
  3. Deposit borrowed USDC in Venus.

// Deposit BNB in Venus

  connector: "VenusV2",
  method: "deposit",
  args: [
    "1000000000000000000", // 1 BNB (10^18 wei)

// Borrow USDC from Venus

  connector: "VenusV2",
  method: "borrow",
  args: [
    "100000000000000000000", // 100 USDC (10^18 wei)

// Deposit USDC in Venus

  connector: "VenusV2",
  method: "deposit",
  args: [
    "100000000000000000000", // 100 USDC (10^18 wei)

At last, cast your spell using cast() method.

// in async functions
let transactionReceipt = await spells.cast({value: "1000000000000000000"})

// or
spells.cast().then(console.log) // returns transaction receipt

You can pass an object to send optional parameters like sending ETH along with the transaction.

  gasPrice: web3.utils.toWei(gasPrice, 'gwei'), // in gwei, used in node implementation.
  value: '1000000000000000000', // sending 1 BNB along with the transaction.
  nonce: nonce,

Here are the optional parameters.

Parameter (optional) Type Description
gasPrice string/number The gas price in gwei. Mostly used in Node implementation to configure the transaction confirmation speed.
value string/number Amount of BNB which you want to send along with the transaction (in wei).
nonce string/number Nonce of your sender account. Mostly used in Node implementation to send transaction with a particular nonce either to override unconfirmed transaction or some other purpose.

This will send the transaction to blockchain in node implementation (or ask users to confirm the transaction on web3 wallets like Metamask).

Transaction History

You can see the list of transactions by an address:


Replace 0x0 with the address of the EOA.

Eth and token Transfer

You can transfer tokens using the transferToken function.

nub.transferToken(_tokenAddress, _recipient, _amount);

for Eth transfers, make use of the transferEth function.

nub.transferEth(_recipient, _amount);


You can approve the wizard contract to spend tokens on behalf of the user by calling the approve or infiniteApprove functions.

nub.approve(_tokenAddress, _amount);


Name Address
PancakeV2 0x546bde105B24147bbd34F3147a0FD68961515Feb
VenusV2 0xB03308Fa6A1Ecb489ECC86B7e930491020ee2b96
AutofarmV2 0x82aB4bCD90E99f31a90201669AACC6867c9c3B77
NubianStaking 0x0764C090a14E45Ae23F69732BeB28504f89D669A