
update node module dependency in package.json

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nupdate from '';


Nupdate License NPM version Build Status

Update node modules dependecy to last version in package.json.

For bower you could use bupdate. Same as:


npm i nupdate -g

How to use?

Update spawnify to latest version:

nupdate spawnify

Update to known version:

nupdate eslint:8.0.0-beta.0


Usage: nupdate [pattern] [options]
-v, --version       - show version number and exit
-h, --help          - show help and exit
-D, --dev           - update development dependencies
-E, --save-exact    - save exact version of a dependency
-i, --install       - install dependency after updating
-c, --commit        - create commit with updated dependency
-a, --add           - add absent dependency
-r, --remove        - remove dependency
-*, --set-any       - set * as dependency version
--public            - set publichConfig access='public'
--restricted        - set publichConfig access='restricted'

Use as module

nupdate(name, version, info [, options])

  • name - name of module
  • version - version of a module
  • info - stringified content of package.json
  • options:
    • dev - update devDependencies
    • exact - update to exact version
    • add - add absent dependency
    • remove - remove dependency
    • set-any - set * as dependency version
import fs from 'fs';
import nupdate from 'nupdate';

const info = fs.readFileSync('package.json', 'utf8');
nupdate('eslint', '4.0.0', info);
// returns
    devDendencies: {
        eslint: "4.0.0",
