
Inject env vars for your Nuxt app at runtime

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nuxtEnvShim from '';


nuxt-env-shim inject env vars for your Nuxt app at runtime



This module, heavily inspired by samtgarson/nuxt-env, makes runtime environmental variables injection work both in unviversal in SPA mode. It also provides shims for some other nuxt modules to work with runtime environmental variables (currently, only @nuxtjs/axios).

WARNING: As with the config.env option in Nuxt config, environment variables used in nuxt-env-shim are exposed client side, so if you store secrets use the secret config option. Read more below. ⚠


nuxt-env-shim injects your environment variables into your Nuxt app using this.$env.

N.B. If currently use Nuxt's config.env option, fear not—nuxt-env includes those env vars in the $env object.

Get Setup

  1. Install the dependency:
yarn add nuxt-env-shim
  1. Add to your nuxt.config.js and configure:
// nuxt.config.js

// Tell nuxt-env which env vars you want to inject
modules: [
  ['nuxt-env-shim', {
    keys: [
      'TEST_ENV_VAR', // Basic usage—equivalent of { key: 'TEST_ENV_VAR' }
      { key: 'OTHER_ENV_VAR', default: 'defaultValue' }, // Specify a default value
      { key: 'THIRD_ENV_VAR', secret: true }, // Only inject the var server side
      { key: 'ANOTHER_ENV_VAR', name: 'MY_ENV_VAR' }, // Rename the variable


Env vars can be injected in a basic way, just by specifying a string in the keys option. When the provided var is an object, it can have the following attributes:



The name of the environment variable by which it can be accessed in process.env


A default value for the env var in case it's not present in process.env.


default: false

When true, this key will only be present server side.


Change the name of the env var that gets injected. e.g.: { key: 'API_URL', name: 'API_ENDPOINT' } will read process.env.API_URL and add it as $env.API_ENDPOINT


Shims can be enabled by setting corresponding boolean flags in the shimModules option:

modules: [
  ['nuxt-env-shim', {
    shimModules: {
      // exposes runtime environment variables API_HOST, API_PORT, API_PREFIX, API_URL and API_URL_BROWSER
      // and instructs axios module correspondingly
      axios: true,

Shims are provided for some other nuxt modules. This is how you can enable shim for the axios module:

Use in your application

  • Use this.$env in your components:
// any-component.vue

export default {
  computed: {
    testValue () { return this.$env.TEST_VALUE }
  • and in your Nuxt context
// any-component.vue

export default {
  asyncData ({ app }) {
  • and in your store:
// store/index.js

export const mutations = {
  storeEnv (commit) {
    const val = this.$env.TEST_VALUE
    commit('testValue', val)


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.



The module is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.