
A framework for building light-weight, event-driven data processing apps.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nxusCore from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/nxus-core';



Core Module

Build Status

The Nxus Core package includes the basic Application framework for building a Nxus app.


You'll probably find the following resources useful background and help in building Nxus applcations.


The full set of Nxus docs is available at http://docs.gonxus.org.


> npm install nxus-core --save


In your root application, create a new Application instance:

import {Application} from 'nxus-core'

let app = new Application(options)


export default app


Nxus is built around the concept of a boot cycle. The application dispatches events in the following order:

Boot Stage Description
init indicates the application is starting up and initializing modules. Other modules are not gauranteed to be available at this phase.
load modules are initialized and loading. This is the place to do any internal setup (outside of the constructor). Other modules are not gauranteed to be available at this phase.
startup all modules have been loaded and are available. This is the place to do any setup that requires data/input from other modules (like Storage)
launch the application is launching and all services have been started. Routes are accessible. Use onceAfter('launch') to guarantee execution after the application has completely launched

Module Loading

By default the Application will look for other Nxus modules in the following order:

  1. @nxus namespaced npm modules in your package.json file.
  2. Any packages that match the 'namespace-' pattern passed in the namespace application config option.
  3. folders in the ./modules folder in the root of your project
  4. any modules specified in the modules option passed into Application on instantiation.

Module Access

In order to access module commands, use the Application.get() method.

let router = Application.get('router')

Application Configuration

The Application exposes a core config object that contains application and module specific configuration values.

Nxus uses the rc library to provide application configuration.

The application configuration can usually be found in a .nxusrc file in the root folder.

You can override specific confirguation values using command line environment variables, which supports nesting.

nxus_myconfig__value__first=true npm start

will translate into an application config of

console.log(app.config.myconfig) // {value: {first: true}}

You can also pass partial config objects (for run-time override of specific keys) in two ways. An options argument to application.start():

application.start({module: {key: value}})

Or as a response to the config event:

application.on('config', () => {
  return {module: {key: value}}

start options take precendence over config event options take precendence over rc or command-line options.

Mocha Test Configuration

As a convenience, the Nxus Core package provides a /lib/test/support/node.js module that supplies a standard set of definitions for the Mocha test environment. It includes the Chai assertion library with ChaiAsPromised extensions, exposes chai and expect as global variables, and initializes Chai's should assertions.

You can refer to it with Mocha's --require option, or include it in a mocha.opts configuration file:

  --require nxus-core/lib/test/support/node



Extends Dispatcher

The Core Application class.

Configuration Options

Available options are:

Name Description
appName the name of your app. Will be used for console logging.
appDir the location to use to load the default 'package.json' file.
namespace any additional namespaces to use to load modules in the node_modules folder. Can be a string or array of strings.
modules an array of paths to require into the application
debug Boolean to display debug messages, including startup banner
script Boolean to indicate the application is a CLI script, silences all logging/output messages except for explicit console.log calls
silent Don't show any console output. Useful for CLI scripts.


  • opts Object the configuration options (optional, default {})


import {application} from 'nxus-core'


export default application


Returns an internal ModuleProxy object for the given name.


  • name string The name of the module to return

Returns ModuleProxy


Stops the currently running application

Returns Promise


Starts the Nxus application.


  • opts object Config to deeply merge with default and rc configs (optional, default {})

Returns Promise resolves when the boot sequence is complete


Restarts the Nxus application.

Returns Promise resolves when the restart boot sequence is complete


Extends EventEmitter

The core Dispatcher class, which implements promisified


import { Dispatcher } from 'nxus-core'
class MyClass extends Dispatcher {


Bind to an event once


  • event string The name of the event to bind to
  • listener callable? The handler for the event

Returns Promise Returns a promise that resolves when the event fires


Bind to before an event. Receives the event arguments, should return modified arguments or nothing.


  • event string The name of the event to bind to
  • listener callable The before handler for the event


Bind to after an event. Receives the event handlers results, should return modified results or nothing.


  • event string The name of the event to bind to
  • listener callable The after handler for the event


Bind once to before an event. Receives the event arguments, should return modified arguments or nothing.


  • event string The name of the event to bind to
  • listener callable The before handler for the event

Returns Promise Returns a promise that resolves when the event fires


Bind once to after an event. Receives the event handlers results, should return modified results or nothing.


  • event string The name of the event to bind to
  • listener callable The after handler for the event

Returns Promise Returns a promise that resolves when the event fires


Emits an event, calling all registered handlers.


  • event string The name of the event to emit.
  • args ...any Arguments to the event handlers

Returns Promise Returns a promise that resolves when all handlers have completed, with any returned results as an array.


The NxusModule class is a base class for all Nxus modules.


  • app


  • config object The application configuration for this module.
  • log Logger The logger for the module.


Factory method for instances of the debug-logger module.


  • name string display name used to identify output from the logger (optional, default 'application')

Returns Object debug-logger module instance