
Jest environment for nxus tests

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nxusTesterJest from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/nxus-tester-jest';



A test environment for Jest that includes Puppeteer, In-memory MongoDB, Redis, and starting the nxus-tester server.


In your application's jest.config.js:

module.exports = {
  preset: 'nxus-tester-jest'

This environment preset will detect and create clean test databases for:

  • MongoDB for each (sails-mongo) storage adapter
  • Redis on a separate port if worker_queue.redis_url is in config, unless REDIS_URL in env
  • ElasticSearch (with a test index on configured host/localhost) if waterline-elasticsearch adapter in config.

Deprecated If your project uses searcher/elasticsearch, use the preset nxus-tester-jest/nxus-searcher-preset instead. A test index at localhost:9200/searcher-jest-test will be created on setup and deleted on teardown, and configured for the searcher storage connection.

You probably want to call await tester.searcherRefresh() in your tests after documents are indexed to ensure search has the latest documents.

If you need to specify a custom server script or environment vars for nxus-tester startTestServer, add testEnvironmentOptions:

module.exports = {
  testEnvironmentOptions: {server: 'index-test.js', serverEnv: {nxus_storage...: '...'}}