
Dark color scheme CSS files for jest / nyc / istanbul-reports, the full-featured javascript coverage tool.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nycDark from '';



A dark color scheme CSS files for coverage tool jest, nyc / istanbul-reports, the full-featured javascript coverage tool.


To provide a dark color scheme for coverage tools with html output based on istanbul-reports. For accessibility, for those who have visual difficulties or for those who just prefer a dark color theme when viewing their coverage results.


In this release (version: 3.0.3) we provide a replacement for base.css and prettify.css with a dark color scheme for use in istanbul browser based coverage reports.

  • Contains only the dark scheme.


  • None known. Please report any you discover.


After installing nyc-dark you need to copy the CSS files to your coverage output directory to view the html output with a dark color scheme.

For example, if you have a coverage npm run script already configured you can add a coverage:dark script to view the HTML output in a dark theme.

Assuming your coverage tool outputs to coverage/index.html then you can configure your package.json as follows:

// in package.json:
"scripts": {
  "coverage": "nyc mocha ... or jest ...",
  "coverage:dark": "npm run coverage",
  "postcoverage:dark": "cp ./node_modules/nyc-dark/*.css coverage/",

Then you run the dark coverage with:

npm run coverage:dark

And back to the light coverage with:

npm run coverage

If you have the coverage being generated every time a file changes you can have a separate shell script which copies the files every time the coverage updates:

./node_modules/nyc-dark/ coverage/

Every time the coverage output is updated the CSS files will be copied to the output directory.

Color Scheme Differences

Nyc Dark Theme

Nyc Dark Theme - Summary Page Nyc Dark Theme - Source Code

Nyc Default Theme

Nyc Default Theme - Summary Page Nyc Default Theme - Source Code

Release History

  • 3.0.2 release to match istanbul-reports stylesheets.
  • 3.0.3 patch fix and improve dark scheme syntax highligh contrast.